Page 447




Status: Needs Review

H/4/1904 -5
school yards and along highways
and setting the 15th of April for the
work, was read, and listened to with
much interest.

6. Straw on strawberry bed 6 to 10 inches
deep; what do with it - mow? Remove
from around each plant so you can
see it.

7. An asparagus bed not manured
in the fall. What should be done now?
Rake off coarse litter. Burpee says manure
in the spring does little good.
Nitrate of soda recommended.

8. Is it too late to buy currant and gooseberry
bushes? No.

9. Grape vines not trimmed last year.
Is it too late to do it now? No, if they
bleed sere with a hot iron; bleeding
wont hurt them.

10. Locust roots go into a well? Cut
the tree down and dig up the stump.
Cutting off the roots in the well, is
a temporary plan.

11. Do the members use nest eggs? Some
do. Some do not, saying hens can be
educated to do without. A member
whose hens seek new places, if she takes

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