Page 458




Status: Needs Review

H/7/1904 -4-
and yearly bearer

corn, peas, beets, cucumbers,
spinach, potatoes, cymblings,
onions, apples, plums,
raspberries and flowers.

Avoca, potatoes, onions, cucumbers & flowers
[Sadie] Haviland, fine beans.

Unfinished business
A.G. Thomas is not paid for the
secretary's book.


1. Miss Colt asks about putting salt on
asparagus to kill weeds? Put on two
handsful to a step. One says make the
ground white with it. in the fall.

2. A visitor having raised lilacs from slips
under glass jars, wants to know if they
should be kept under the jars all winter?
Advised to take off the jars

3. How late plant cabbage for winter?
July 20th. Nearer to the 15th is approved
by most.

4. When trim raspberries and how much?
Cut out all the old canes and leave the
new, which will be the bearing canes next
year. about six inches apart.

5. What the best time to lay grape vine

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