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H/10/1904 -2-
It changes its plumage at different
seasons and is known by different
names in different sections of the country.
A stringent law for the protection of
birds is of great use: Dr. Kirk gave
some statistics of the great number of
dollars worth which are destroyed annually
in some places, threatening the
extermination of some spicies

3rd Janet Miller on poultry: "Fall and
winter care of Poultry." Too much corn
produces vertigo; mixed food best; fruit
cabbage and other vegetables and
alfalfa hay. good cabbage and turnips
are said to give eggs an undesirable
flavor, wheat bran and middling excellent
and two or three times a week meat
scraps. They should have exercise.

Volunteer by Dr. Kirk "A parasite
which destroys the codlin moth, the
discovery of which means that the world's
out-put of apples and pears can be made
about three times its present size

Forethought, Among other excellen information,
says it is far better to use sweet potatoes
early than to attempt to keep
them long. Tomatoes can be enjoyed late

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