Page 499




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8| What about trimming out the too luxuriant growth of Lima beans? If it becomes dry and the growth will be wanted; Trim some and leave some. always taking off the ends of the vines Some members advise planting permanent poles and putting wire on them. the theory being that Lima beans should be planted year after year in the same ground. Some one was know to have used the same ground for 20 years and was celebrated for having a fine abundant crop always

9| How many families notified the hostess whether they were coming and how many would come, as is the rule? Only six

The gardens were found in the finest condition. A fine canteloupe patch bids fair to give much comfort. The flowers were tidy and healthy; a luxuriant growth on the roses which were blooming One interesting feature of this place is the variety of beautiful old funiture, china and many other things with are arranged in a building built for their accommodation. The company was invited to examine them and every one

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