Page 523




Status: Indexed


4 What vine good to grow in a box nine
inches deep? Barclayana madeira vine
morning glories

5 When move a five year old Crimson
Rambler? October; make the place rich
with manure (old) and bone dust.

6 When plant Lily of the Valley? In October
in rich solil partially shaded

7 Will celery plants that show signs of
blight commmunicate it the other plants
They might do so. Try spraying once
a week with Bordeaux mixture

New York market lettuce planted
every two weeks is recommended.

John Bentley gave an interesting account
of a visit to farm on the
Potomac 10 miles below Rockville.
Wonderful results came from the use
of manure from hen and pigeon
houses. Lima beans were early and
especially fine and all vegetables even
remarkably flourishing.

During this meeting we had a
deafening wind storm with lightning
and thunder. It grew so dark
we could scarcely see to read and
the noise wqas so great we could

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