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To Make Sugar Cakes
Take 2 lb of fine Floure A Pound of searsed Sugar mix
your floure and Sugar together yn {mixle?] in A Pound
of Butter with 8 yolk's of Eggs and 4 Whits with
Halfe a Gill of Rose Water mix all into A Paist and
Roale ym out and cutt ym with A drinking Glass Top
Bake ym on sheets of white Paper with Floure
under ym, lett ym not stand too long in ye oven to broune
if you will you may Putt some Slist Nutmegg or carraway
Seeds into some of ye Paist it will give it A Pretty
Taist, Lett your Egg's be wel bett with ye Rose water
before you mix them

To Make Bisketts
Take Halfe a Pound of Sugar Beaten and Searsed; five
New layd Eggs Putt ym together before you beat it yn
beat it an Houre and A Halfe, yn putt in 5 or 6 lb
of fine Floure it must not be beaten after the Floure
is in but Stired well; drop it uppon Papers made like
driping Pans and lay'd on sheets of Tinn, Strew Searsed
Sugar over Every one of ym; and Bake them after they
are taken off ye Papers wch must be before they be
could you must Sett them into ye oven to Harden and
Keep ym in A very dry Place

To Make Mackrooms
Take a pound of Almonds Blanched 3 quarter's
of A Pound of Sugar Finely beaten Stamp ye Almond's
and as you stamp ym Putt in some Sugar and a Little
Rose water to Keep them from oyling when you-
think they are Enough they Are Enough and hath
mingled all your Sugar Putt to it a White of an Egg
well beaten Stir all well togeather and Drop ym
upon wafers and lay ym in Platters so bake ym.

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The use of the drinking glass to cut out little cakes is very nice