Page 57




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To Make A Sillebub
Take A Pint of Renish or white wine and halfe
A Pint of Sack ye Juce of A lemon and the Pill
3 quarter's of A Pound of Lofe Sugar beaten Small,
mingle these well togeather and Putt it in A deepe
Earthen Pott or Butter Crock, and Putt to it A quart
of creame Stir it as it goes in And Poure it
high ye crock or Pott Standing uppon ye ground
then with A Whisk whip it all one way untill
it be So thick as A Rod may Allmost Stand
upright; yn Power it into that it must be Eaten
in and lett it Stand A Night and A day or more
if it stand longer you must take out ye Pill.

To Make A Crudd Pudding
Take 5 quarts of milk and make crud of it and press
it well and Rub it through A Haire Sive putt 6
or seaven Eggs beat ye Eggs togeather with the Crud
then putt to them A Quarter of A Pint of creame
with A quarter of A Pound of Butter; Putt in the
Cream yn heat it over ye Fire, untill ye Butter be
melted in it, yn Putt it into ye crudd, and halfe A
A nutmegg grated and Some Salt and good Store of
Rose Water and Sugar to your likeing halfe an Houre
will bake itt, and when it is baked cutt it out like
Dice and poure upon it Some Sack and Butter well
beaten togeather if you Please you may Putt in Some
grated Bread when you mixt wch will doe well

To Make a Dish of Pudings
Take [16?] Eggs well beaten up into A quart of creame
with a handfull of Floure and A little Salt, devide
it into 3 Parts Putt corrans in one; Color ye 2nd with
Juce of spinnage and ye 3rd Putt A little Sugar. Butter ye
cloth you putt ym in; and so ty ym up and boyle ym An Houre

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