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To Presarve Wt Pare Plums
Pare your plums and to A Pound of them take more
yn A Pound of Sugar finely beaten and Searsed devide
the Sugar into tow Parts and wrap ye Plums in one
part of itt and putt to it as much water as will wett
itt lett ym boyl very Saufly and when you find ym
Pritty well boyled and that the Sirrup begins to chainge
the cullor have ye other halfe of the Sugar in A Thin.
candy and take ye Plums out of the Cirrup and put ym
into the candy and lett ym boyl till the candy be
very thick; then glass ym up and Putt Some of the cirrup
by till they be could to cover them
You may know A candy when it hath boyled very well
take some up in your spoon and put it out and if it
make A fine Haire att ye Spoon it is Enough and ye
Right time to put in your plums take care you turne
not their culler Eather with too hott or cold A Fire

To Presarve Quinches Wt Or Red without Water
Scald your quinches pritty tender then pare ym and quarter
them but take heed of Breaking the quarters as you
cutt out the cores wch they will be apt to doe; and So yr
best way is to Covre ym first and Stop ym close with pap
and when you cut ym open in quarters cut out that
About ye cores wch is discullered; then have ready
beaten some Small quinches ye Juce being prest through
A canvis Bagg So take ye clear Juce when it is Settelled
A little; add to A Pint of ye Juce A Pound of the quartered
quinch and Two Pound of Sugar boyl them up pritty soft
And when you finde the Cirrup will Jelly take it of ye fire
and lay the quarters in deep marmolett glasses and So
Pour your Sirrup upon them if you will have them Red
then putt in ye quartered Quinches Raw but the same quantety
of Sugar and Juces lett then Stand close covered untill
they louke of A Carnation culler boyling Softly till
you think they be tender and well Entered in ye Sugar
then take them up, and; vide on ye other Side

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Vide means refer to, or consult. The recipe continues on the following page.