Page 85




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To Make Oringe Marmolate
Take you Oringe Skinns and lay ym in water all
night, then boyl ym very tender, So cutt ym in thin
Slices, and tak as much of ye Pulp of codled Pippins
or pares, take to A Pound of this A Pound of Sugar
desolved and well Scum'd yn Putt in your Oringe and
Pulp and boyle ym like other Marmolate put in Some
Juce of Oringes or Lemons So pott it for use

To Make Red Marmolate of Quinces
Take to Every Pound of Quinces pared and cored
A Pint of Water and then Sett ym on charcole close
covered and when they are tender putt to Every Pound
Quinces 3 quarters of A Pound of Sugar, and when it
is boyled Enough it will clear from A bason if you can
gett Any of the Juce to putt Among ym will doe wett

To Candy Suckett's
[Gess?] your Sugar and boyl itt and when it boyls
Putt in your Sucketts and lett ym boyle togeather
untill they be cott High yn take it off and draine
your Sugar upon ye Pan Sids with A Scummer and So
lay ym upon Wier Sives and when they are could Pack
ym up in Boxes with paper betwixt

To Make Lemond Lozenges
Take one leoman and pare ye out most Skinn and
Shred it very Small or grate itt, Squease out ye
Juce, take A Pound of Sugar and boyle it till it
begins to candy then putt in your Juce and Rind
Stiring ym well togeather So drop ym on White

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