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The Rickett Drink
Take 2 [dram?] of ye 5 opening Roots wch are Fennell Succory
Smallage Twitchgrass Parsley and if you can gett them
Bucher's Broome and Sparagus Scrape ym and take
out ye Pith and if the Party be Hott take 2 [dram?] of
French Barly well boyled first in Two waters
untill ye Barley comes to be Soft and Tender yn Putt
these together in A Pipkin of 3 Quarts and lett it
Boyle till one Part be waisted away, yn add to itt
An ounce of maiden's Haire an [dram?] of Licquoris 1/2 [dram?] of
Sweet Fennell Seeds Raisons currans and Figgs of
Each 3 [dram?] to All these ad Scabious Egrimony Colts foot
Tamris charvil Sage of Jerusalem; and Liverwort
of All together a Little Handfull Harts Tongue 6 Leaves
6 Tops of Bome 6 Tops of Spearmint and in ye Spring
A Little Brookelime And A Few watercreses and when
it is well boyled bottle it up and lett ye child drink
of itt

A Bath for The Ricketts
In warmer weather you may bath ye child in River water
Putting into ye water Severall Baggs of wheat meale, and
lett it Stand in ye water till they be warme over ye
fire yn it will louke white like milk Putt ye Child into
the water for ye space of A Quarter of An Houre if ye child
be 5 years old if younger A less Space of time let ye child
be well Switcht and Rubd All over when ye child
comes out of ye Bath give it Some mace Ale and Putt
it to bed this must be done About 10 of ye clock yt
the child may have its Dinner
If the Limbs be weak take a Red Oxe Gall and cutt it in
Small Peeces into A Pint of Muskadine and Put yn in A Pipkin
with Two Handfulls of Wormwood of ye field Shred Small and
Putt in lett ym infuse all night; next morning lett it boyle till
be waisted away yn Straine it out and keep it close in A
Jug, take of this and Anoint ye child from ye neck all
downe ye backbone and ye Wrests joynts and Armes and the
Belly for wormes Keep thin close About ye joynts

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