Page 336




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A Receipt for The Rickett's Approved
Take A pint of Muskedine and 3 quarters of the
Gall of A Oxe and one Handfull of wormwood
boyle All these together halfe Away and yn Anoynt
ye Breast and Sids and joynts of ye Child att
Night when it goes to bedd and take heed it
gett's no could in ye Doing of it its Approve'd

To Strengthen Children's Legg's
Take 2 quarts of Muskedine one quarter of A Pound
of Lavander Flowers halfe A Pound of Sweet
Butter out of ye chirne 1 Little Handfull of Hearts
Horne boyle it halfe away bath it hott against
the Fire

For The Ricketts
First Lett ye Party be Purged if A Child be louse
Purge the childe with A Drackm of Rubarbe Sliced
And Steeped in bear (after it is boyled), yt is not
bitter yn Putt in 20 Stoned Raysons And A Thimble
full of Sweet Fennell Seeds and A Little Bome and
burrage this in ye Winter, in Summer onely Rubarb
Steeped in Raw beare, if ye childe be bound in ye body
then Purge it with An ounce of Manna dissolved
in Possett Ale if the child be very young yn use but
halfe an ounce of manna; if the Head be bigg purge
ye child with Syrrup of Roses with Agrick and Syrrup
of Succory with Rubarb

An Oyntment for The Ricketts
Take of Oyle of capers and Dill Wormwood
and cammomile Three ounces of All of Each
A Like quantety Annoint the Right and left
Side and Stummach with this Oyle and Lay
And Lay A Cloth to Keep it warme

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