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An Excellent Drink For one in A consumption
Given By Dr Lamden
Take 3 Spoonfull's of Succorie water 3 of Distilled
milk 3 of Red Roase water mix ym all together
In A Little Pott yn Take 9 Spoonfulls of ye Stripings
of A Red Cow or A Black if you have not Red
be sure to keep to one Cowes milk for it is not So
good to chainge Put ye Affor Said milk into ye Affores[ai]d
waters and add as much Sugar Candy as will Sweeten
it Sett ye Pott in A Pan of Seathing water for ye
milk being Putt to ye water will wax Cold and
So Soune as it is blood warme; when you Awake
in ye morning take itt and if ye Party be very weak
lett ym [struck through] Sleep an Houre or 2 after itt and yn
Eat what they like this must be used for A moneth
together or longer as you See cause; it is an
Approved Reamody

A Receipt for A Cough to Cutt Fleam and heal ye
Stomack being sore with ye violence thereof
Take 4 ounces of consarve of Roases 2 ounce
of Raysons [?] Sum being Stoned 2 oz of [white?]
Sugar candy finely beaten; bruse ye Rayson's in
A Morter and when they are Small Putt in ye
Consarve of Roses and candy Pounding ym all together
Add 16 Drops of ye Spirit of Sulpher and 16 Drops
of ye Spritt of vittorall these being well mixt
take a Knife Pointfull of thiss Electuary Every
morning and night as occation offers

To Stay Bleeding Take as Followes
upon the 10th of Aprill goe to an Ash Tree and
have your watch Sett by ye Sunne and Exactly
upon ye very minute of 12 A clock lift up your Ax
and cutt a bough of the Same bleed upon a Pd of this
Wood and is mighty Efectuall for Staying ye Same

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