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These little beauties need no extended description, as it would be hard to find even a child in the land whose heart has not been gladdened by their bright faces. Pansies like a moist, rather shady location and rich soil. Should be watered freely in dry weather. Seed started in February or March will produce early spring flowers. The largest flowers are always produced on plants which come into bloom in the autumn. Pansies are a specialty with us, and we use the greatest care in growing, selecting and importing the best strains of these universal favorites. All should try our new varieties.
THE PEACOCK.--This fine new variety has been named the Peacock because the upper petals of the flower most nearly resemble, in color, the peculiar shade seen only in the feather of the peacock, a beautiful ultra-marine blue. The petals are edged with a thin white line, within which it is a purplish crimson, passing into a rich central blotch of deep blue, shading to black. The Gardeners' Magazine, (London, Eng.), says: "The coloring is truly delicious." Pkt. 10c.
VAUTIER'S MAMMOTH PANSY.--This strain of enormous pansies has been raised and perfected for twenty years by Chas. H. Vautier, one of our most experienced growers. In size and perfect form they rival anything heretofore introduced. The flowers measure two and a half to four inches across, of most perfect form, circular in shape; the plants being bushy and compact, and flowering profusely. The colors are rich and varied, embracing all the fancy spotted and striped and self-colors. Don't fail to include this in your order. Pkt. 20c.
FIRE KING.--This novelty comes almost absolutely true, scarcely a plant bearing flower at variance from the type, which is very distinct and striking. The three lower petals each have a large blotch of deep brown-red or magenta margined with yellow, while the upper petals are of a bright red, of a really fiery shade, warranting the name of Fire King. Pkt. 10c.
CASSIER'S GIANT ODIER.--The flowers, of immense size, are of the popular Odier type, being all three-spotted or five-spotted on backgrounds of very rich colors. The flowers of the Cassier's are of good substance and fine form, while the plants are of neat, compact growth. Pkt. 20c.
GIANT TRIMARDEAU.--An altogether distinct and beautiful class of pansy, the flowers of which are of very large size; some have measured four inches in diameter. Each flower is marked with three large blotches or spots, and stands well above the foliage. Choice mixed colors. Pkt. 15c.
LORD BEACONSFIELD.--New, large flowers of deep purple violet, shading off in the petals to a white hue. Pkt. 10c.
GOLDEN TRIMARDEAU.--Has the large size of the Giant Trimardeau, but is of a rich golden yellow. Remarkably handsome and showy variety. Pkt. 20c.


MAMMOTH BUTTERFLY.--A strain of pansy which for variety and beauty has never been excelled. Of matchless forms, colors and markings, with flowers half as large again as ordinary pansies. They will both astonish and delight "pansy fanciers." There is a great variety of colors and peculiar markings, reminding one of the varied hues of the butterfly. Pkt. 15c.
GIANT BUGNOT.--This is one of the finest strains of pansies in existence. The flowers are of enormous size, perfectly round, of great substance and of the most varied and attractive markings and colors; each petal bears a blotch that runs out in delicate veins to the edge of the petal. Pkt. 20c.
CHOICE GERMAN MIXED.--Magnificent large velvety flowers of richest hues and colors. Pkt. 10c.

SNOW QUEEN.--Flowers of a delicate, pure, satiny white, handsome and attractive. Makes a fine showing in beds or for cut flower work, and beautiful for cemetery use. Pkt. 10c.
GOLDEN YELLOW.--Best of the yellow varieties. Desirable as a contrast. Pkt. 5c.
FAUST.--(King of the Blacks.) Jet black. Pkt. 5c.
EMPEROR WILLIAM.--Ultra-marine blue. Pkt. 5c.
ODIER OR BLOTCHED.--This superb large variety of pansies has been much improved. Pkt. 10c.
BRONZE-COLORED.--Handsome. Pkt. 5c.
AZURE-BLUE.--Very fine shade of sky-blue. Pkt. 5c.
QUADRICOLOR.--New and distinct; fine. Pkt. 8c.


FINE MIXED.--Choice varieties. Oz. $2.00, Pkt. 5c.
INTERNATIONAL MIXED.--This mixture consists of a grand assortment from the world's leading growers. All colors and markings. Pkt. 25c.
IOWA BEAUTY.--Of all varieties of pansies ever introduced this is certainly the finest. It contains a great number of varieties, all of which are beautifully marked, striped, or blotched with the handsomest and most delicately blended colors. Flowers are of rich, velvety substance and perfect shape. Pkt. 20c.
VIOLET-SCENTED PANSY.--This new type is a cross between the pansy and the violet, combining the ideal properties of each. Flowers are much larger than the violet, more like pansies, but with the delicious fragrance of the former. Range of color runs through white, buff, canary and azure-blue, and the coloring of each is exceedingly delicate and charming. Admirers of the pansy and violet will be delighted with it. Pkt. 25c.

[image] IOWA BEAUTY.

Pansy Collection.--One pkt. each of the 23 varieties for $2.00.

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