Pages That Mention Campbell
56 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jul 30 186 is ordered to put in a wooden sewer in accordance with the prayer of the petitioner. Petition of G Kellogg et al for fire ladders to be placed at Lake Union Referred on Fire & Water Communicaton from A W Burrell contractor for Beach Road Bridge received read & Ordered filed and on motion of Councilman Furth the clerk is ordered to return the said Burrell the certified check deposited by him with his bid upon the filing of the approved bond & Contract Communication of L Kusters asking that the item of $2500 personal property be stricken from the assessment of Anna E Shannon she being a non-redisent of Seattle since 1885 & Living in Canada read & on motion the request is granted and the clerk is directed to make the correction. Committee Reports Received From Fire & Water Committee recommending that the sum of $50. be allowed Chief Engineer Campbell as partial compensation for valuable services rendered Adopted and Clerk ordered to draw a warrant in favor of said Campbell for the sum of $50.00 Quarterly report of Health Officer for the Quarter ending July 30 1886. received read and approved & ordered filed. Licenses referred O N Morse, The A P Hotaling Co, Andrew Slorah, & Margaret O'Shea Licenses Ordered Issued O P Dahlquist R Intox 3 months from July 23rd 1886 Walters & Dietz R Intox 3 months from July 29 1886 A Wolters R Intox 3 months from July 19 1886
174 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 1 1887 Seattle Electric Lt Co 173 Gas 410.17 Street Lighting etc. [total]434.67 W A Perry 1022 Fire 75.00 Salary Engr No 1 A M Gilman 1023 Fire 75.00 Salary Engr No 2 G Kellogg 1024 Fire 46.00 Coal Sunset Telephone Co 1025 Fire 13.50 Telephone SErvice Washington Iron Works 1026 Fire 15.37 Repg No1 & Repg Ladder Spring Hill Water Co 50 Fire 308.00 Water Month of Mch Roseberg & Hill 1434,35,36,37 Front St Sidewalk 322.00 Front St sidewalk Liquor License Referred Geo L Howe License Ordered Issued Otto Fuhrman Retail Intox 6 mos from April 1, 1887 The vote upon issuing said license is as follows viz: In favor of the same Coulter, Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley Lake, Russell & Reitze against none. Miscellaneous Resignation of Police Officer W H Pinckney and Police officer Thos H Campbell read and on motion the same are accepted. On motion the Council now proceeds to elect two policemen to fill the vacancy caused by the resignationof Officers Pinckney and Campbell. Whereupon J D Duncan and W M Jones are duly elected Police Officers of the City of Seatle. The Street Commissioner presented a list of names of persons who have failed or refused to make proper connections with sewers and on motion of Councilman Furth the Chief of Police is directed to notify such persons to make proper connection at once and to prosecute them for failure to do so. On motion of Councilman Furth the alley west of Commercial Street between Washington Street and Jackson Street is ordered opened and the street
167 Columbia City Wash October 4th 1897 The Town Council of the Town of Columbia met in regular session at 8 o'clock PM Mayor Reeves presiding Roll Call answered by Brown, Hepler and Osgood; Cameron and Voland absent. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Treasurer's report read and accepted with the understanding that a written report of the same should be filed with the Clerk as soon as possible. Marshal's report read and accepted. Marshal's request to have $4.00 deducted from his next salary warrant in payment for water rent due from one Mrs Huff, granted. Attorney's verbal report of Street Grade assessment matter heard. On motion Mr Osgood was appointed a special committee of one to look into road and bridge matters. Clerk's quarterly report read and accepted. Resignation of E Voland accepted by regular motion of the Council and J A Campbell elected to fill that vacancy, and his oath of office filed with the clerk. Petition fo C S Chase for rebate on water rent read and on motion was granted, with one dissenting vote from Mr A A Hepler Motion was made and carried to instruct the City Attorney to draw up ordinances establishing certain funds under the new law, and matters relative thereto. Mr Campbell was appointed by the Mayor as member of the Finance Committee, in place of Mr. Voland. On motion meeting adjourned until Wednesday evening Oct 6th. Apprived C F Reeves mayor. C S Chase clerk Correction: On motion Clerk was ordered to issue Genreal Fund Warrants for Marshal's, Attorney's and Clerk's quarterly salary.
170 Columbia City King Co, Wash Nov 8th 1897 The Town Council of the Town of Columbia met in regular adjourned session at 8 o'clock PM. Mayor Reeves presiding Roll-call answered to by Cameron, Hepler and Osgood Councilman Campbell arriving a short time afterward. Minutes of the last meeting read and with the change of the word 'adopted' to 'passed' was approved. Report of Committee on Bridge Matter and motion made to accept one of the bids for bridge repairs, to wit: the bid of C R Hepler for $48.50 cash, privided that said C R Hepler sign a contract to complete the work not later than December 1st 1897 and that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up a contract to that effect. Carried. Warrant procured by the Clerk from County Auditor for the sum of $45.09 the same being the amount due for tax penalty and interest unpaid by former Treasurer of King County, persented and on motion was accepted and the Clerk instructed to turn the same over to the Town Treasurer to sell at not less than par and apply proceeds to the emergency fund. Offer of Security Savings Bank by H H A Hastings receiver, with regard to settlement of lien on certain Columbia St lots read, and on motion was referred to the CIty Attorney for disposal. Report of City Attorney on road-tax matter heard and by motion warrant was ordered drawn on Emergency fund for the sum of $15.00 for defraying expense fo necessary work invoked. Motion made to refer the matter of raising bridge buttments 8 inches to Mr. Cameron Chairman of the Committee on Streets and Alleys for settlement and that he be authorized to agree with the contracts as to the cost. On motion meeting adjourned. C S Chase clerk
171 Columbia City Wash Dec 6th 1897 The Town Council of the Town of Columbia met in regular session at 8:30 o'clock with Mayor Reeves in the chair. Roll call ansewere by Cameron, Hepler, Osgood and Campbell Minutes of previous session read and apporved. Bridge Committee Cameron reported Noble St Bridge repairs completed by C R Hepler as per contract and on motion the report was accepted. Report of city Attorney on 1892 road tax matter read and on motion the Mayor was instructed to authorize demand for said road tax from the County Commissioners of King Co as per legal form drawn up by the City Attorney. Resignation of C N Groat, Marshal read and on motion was accepted and filed with the Clerk. Report of said Marshal read and accepted. On motion General fund warrant for eleven dollars was ordered drawn in favor of C N Groat for fraction of quarterly salary. Motion was made to appoint Mr J H Garber to perform the duties of Marshal for the remainder of the month of December 1897 at a cash compensation equivalent to six dollars per month. Carried. Election matter brought up and Mr G T Quimby was nominated for inspector of election and Mr J H Garber and Mr Leslie Osgood as judges of elections. Being no opposition the three gentlemen were appointed as nominated. On motion warrant was ordered drawn on Emergency Fund for $48.50 in favor of C R Hepler in payment of bridge repairs. Bills of cost of ballots and poll books presented and on motion warrants were ordered drawn on Emergency Fund for