City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Yesler Leary Building


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78 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 3 1886 Be it remembered that on this 3rd day of September 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. Present Mayor Shoudy and Councilmen Frink, Green Hinckley, Lake, Russell & Reitze The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petitions Received & Read From P G Beigninane for permission to erect an Oyster Stall at the foot of Marion Street. Referred to Street Committee From F Lange for the removal of a tank in Jefferson Street On motion referred to a special Committee Consisting of Councilmen Hinckley, Russell and Reitze. From Seattle Gas and Electric Light Co for the opening of South 5th Street between Main & Jackson Streets for the passage of teams. Referred to Street Com. From M Korn et al for Street Lights on Washington Street at the intersection of each crossing up to and including South 11th St/ Also a light on the line of Mill Street at the junction of South 11th Broadway and 9th Streets. Granted. From H Lysler for permission to place a small wooden building on the vacant ground between the Yesler Leary Building & the Starr Building on ]]Front St]] Also a small wooden building adjoining the Times Office on James Street. Granted. From Wm Murphy et al for a Street Light of 32 candle power placed on the left of Main Street at the intersection of the Railroad. Granted.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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84 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 7 1886 Be it remembered that on this the 7th day of September 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to call of His Honor the Mayor The Following officers are present to wit: Mayor W H Shoudy and Councilmen C W Coulter, J M Frink, J Green, T D Hinckley, C F Reitze amd R Russell Thereupon the folowing proceedings are had: On motion it is ordered that the action of the Council in granting the petition of H L Yesler for permission to erect certain wooden buildings be reconsidered. On motion it is ordered that petitions of H L Yesler for permission to erect an addititon to certain wooden building on James Street be granted. On motion it is ordered that the petition of H L Yealer for permission to erect a wooden building on Front Street between the Yesler Leary Building and L M Starrs building be not granted. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn W H Shouldy mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk by E Shepard deputy

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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295 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 15 1887 For General Municipal Purposes Two (2) Mills For Road Purposes Three (3) Mills For Firel Purposes One & One half (1&1/2) Mills For Gas Purposes Two (2) Mills For Water Purposes One (1) Mills Total 9 Mills Road Poll Tax $4.00 Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance fixing the limits of the benefit and protection afforded by the contract for the supply of Water made by the city of Seattel with the Spring Hill Water Company, and within which property shall be subject to a Special Tax to pay the water rent according to said contract" Which after due consideration is passed by the following vote, viz: In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz, Russell & Reitze]] Against the same none. An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance fixing the limits of the benefit of Street Lights provided by the City and within which property shall be subject to a special tax for lighting the Streets" Which is passed by the following vote, viz: In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz, Russell & Reitze]] Against the same none. An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance to assess and levy taxes for general and special municipal purposes for the year 1887" Which is passed by the following vote, viz: In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz, Russell & Reitze]] Against the same none. Ordered that Joseph Green be granted permission to put a temporary building the Yesler Leary Building and the Starr Building on the West Side of Front Street, provided

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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