City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention F H Peterson




81 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 3 1886 Name Warrant# Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 1858 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk E Shepard 1859 City 15.40 Salary City Clerk Jas Bogart 1860 City 60.00 Salary City Clerk Jas Bogart 1860 City 53.80 Salary City Clerk A Chilberg 1861 City 40.00 Salary City Clerk L A Treen 1862 City 60.00 Salary City Clerk L Cummings 1863 City 94.50 Salary City Clerk F H Peterson 1864 City 100.00 Salary City Clerk Bolton Rogers 1865 City 26.00 Services as Police Officer J W Smart 1866 City 26.00 Services as Police Officer L B Young 1867 City 26.00 Services as Police Officer J R Davis 1868 City 26.00 Services as Police Officer W B Jackling 1869 City 26.00 Services as Police Officer B Rogers 1870 City 4.30 Special Police Chas E Norager 1871 City 2.15 Special Police Fred A Minick 1872 City 2.15 Special Police J Kelley 1873 City 2.15 Special Police J Meyers 1874 City 2.15 Special Police Wm Murphy]] 1875 City 100.00 Salary Chief ofPoliceman Jas Welch 1876 City 50.54 Salary Capt of Policeman J W Hunt 1877 City 41.00 Salary Policeman W G H Pickney 1878 City 41.00 Salary Policeman T H Campbell 1879 City 41.00 Salary Policeman J L McClellan City 41.00 Salary Policeman T Butler 1880\1881\1882 City 41.00 Salary Policeman F A Fay 1883 City 41.00 Salary Policeman Fred Voigt 1884\1885 City 41.00 Salary Policeman J L McDaniel 1886\1887 City 41.00 Salary Policeman Wm Morris 1888 City 41.00 Salary Policeman Geo G Lyon 1889 City 11.50 Justice [?] S C Harris 1890 City 1.75 Recording Deed Lowman & Hanford 1891 City 12.00 Printing for City Sunset Telephone Co 1892 City 5.90 Telephone for Sept D & E M Munroe 1893 City 7.00 Meals for ElectionBoard G A Hill 1894 City 58.65 Justice Peace Fees

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




93 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 1 186 Jas Green, F D Hinckley, T W Lake, C F Reitze and R Russell against none. Bills Allowed The following Claims against the city having been duly audited and allowed by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as follows, to wit: Name Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 1905 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk L A Treen 1906 City 100.00 Salary City Treasurer F H Peterson 1907 City 100.00 Salary City Atty Laurence Cummings 1908 City 91.00 Salary Street Commissioner Jas Bogart 1909 City 60.00 Salary City Jailor Jas Bogart 1909 City 35.80 Board of prisoners Geo G Lyon 1910 City 9.80 Justice Fees G A Hill 1911 City 38.45 Justice fees R H Thomson 1912 City 120.75 Services as Supt & Assts on Beach Road Bridge Sunset Telephone Co 1913 City 5.90 Telephone Month of Sept G Davis & Co 1914 City 1.00 Lettering Code for Clerk Harrington & Smith 1915 City 6.60 Lanterns & Oil for police Lowman & Hanford S & P Co 1916 City 178.50 Publishing Mayor's Report etc L P Smith & Son 1917 City 1.00 Repairing Stars Police Young & McKeon 1918 City 1.50 Gas Bracket in Jail J H Woolery 1919 City 200.00 Judgement agaonst City J H Woolery 1920 City 38.55 Costs against City Wm Murphy 1921 City 100.00 Salary Chief of Police J L McClellan 1922 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer T Butler 1923 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Wm Pinckney 1924, 25, 26 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Wm Morris 1927 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Fred A Fay 1928, 29, 30 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer F Voigt 1931 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Thos H Campbell 1932 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer J Welch 1933 City 80.00 Salary Police Officer J W Hunt 1934 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




122 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 3 1886 Vitus Schmid Retail Intox Liquor 3 months the vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows to wit: In favor of same Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Russell & Reitze]] Bills Allowed Thefollowing claims against the City having been duly audited by the City Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the various Funds as follows viz: Name Warrant# Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2008 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk F H Peterson 2009 City 100.00 Salary City Atty L A Treen 2010 City 100.00 Salary City Treasr Laurence Cummings 2011 City 87.50 Salary Street Commisnr James Bogart 2012 City 60.00 Salary City Jailor James Bogart 2012 City 141.80 Board of Prisoners Wm Murphy 2013 City 100.00 Salary Chief Police W H Pinckney 2014 City 90.45 Salary Captain Police James Welch 2015 City 65.00 Salary Patrolman A H Manning 2016 City 65.00 Salary Patrolman John Frasier 2017 City 65.00 Salary Patrolman J W Hunt 2018 City 65.00 Salary Patrolman T Butler 2019 City 65.00 Salary Patrolman J L McClellan 2020 City 65.00 Salary Patrolman J L McDaniel 2021 22 City 65.00 Salary Patrolman T H Campbell 2023 City 65.00 Salary Patrolman Fred Voigt 2024,25 City 65.00 Salary Patrolman F A Fay 2026,27,28 City 65.00 Salary Patrolman Sunset Telephone Co 2029 City 5.90 Telephone Service Dec/86 Cedar River Coal Co 2030 City 8.00 CoalforJail and Council Young & McKeon 2031 City 1.25 Tapers & Cleaning Sink L Neuman 2032 City 1.35 Jail Lock Key & Latch Lowman & Hanford 2033 City 21.50 City Warrants & Table License R H Thomson 2034 City 135.00 Supt Grant Street Plank Road and assistants Harrington & Smith 2035 City 6.25 Supplies for Jail Wm Murphy 2035 City 1.50 Rolling logs off Slip [total]1635.00

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




149 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 4 1887 Applications for Liquor Licenses Referred: John Johnson Licenses Ordered Issued Thomas Anderson, Conrad Brehm and John Shepich, The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows viz: Ayes, Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Russell & Reitze, noes none. Bills Allowed The following claims against the City having been duly audited and allowed by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn onthe several funds as follows viz: Name Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2108 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk F H Peterson 2109 City 100.00 Salary City Atty L A Treen 2110 City 100.00 Salary City Treasurer L Cummings 2111 City 94.50 Salary Street Commr James Bogart 2112 City 60.00 Salary City Jailor James Bogart 2112 City 135.60 Board of Prisoners Wm Murphy 2113 City 100.00 Salary Chief of Police Jas Welch 2114 City 80.00 Salary Capt of Police J W Hunt 2115 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer W H Pinckney 2116 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Thomas Campbell 2117 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer J L McClellan 2118 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer T Butler 2119 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer F A Fay 2120 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Fred Voigt 2121, 22 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer J L McDaniel 2123 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer John Frazer 2124 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer A H Manning 2125 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer C M Bywater 2126 City 8.75 Salary Specl Police M A Murphy 2127 City 65.00 Salary Specl Police C O Young 2128 City 27.50 Salary Specl Police John Mills 2129 City 10.00 Salary Specl Police W H Pumphrey 2130 City 31.15 Stationary etc G A Hill 2131 City 80.20 Justice Fees F Anthony 2132 City 5.50 Binding P I Sunset Telephone Co 2133 City 5.90 Telephone Service Feby [total][?]

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




159 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Mar 4 1887 From Finance Committee recommending that the bills of Hasbrook & Terry & Dr. J S M Smart be paid at the same time calling the attention of the Police officers to the fact that the city had a Health Officer whose duty it is to attend to such cases and who is paid a salary therefor, and in future no bills of this character will be allowed unless the health officer is absent form the city. Adopted. From Same committee rejecting the applicationof Elizabeth Shumway for a reduction of the valuations of certain lots in Nagle's Addition. Adopted. Licenses Ordered Issued Bernard Kurz Retail malt six (6) months form March 1st 1887 The votte upon issuing said license is as follows viz: In favor of the same; Furth, Frink,Green, Hinckley, Lake & Reitze. Against None. bills Allowed the followingclaims against the City having been duly presented and audited and allowed bythe Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn onthe several funds as follows viz: Name Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2151 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk F H Peterson 2152 City 100.00 Salary City Atty L A Treen 2153 City 100.00 Salary City Treasurer L Cummings 2154 City 84.00 Salary Street Commr James Bogart 2155 City 60.00 Salary City Jailor & Janitor James Bogart 2155 City 112.40 Board of Pirsoners W Murphy 2156 City 100.00 Salary Chief of Police James Welch 2157 City 80.00 Salary Capt Police J W Hunt 2158 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer W H Pinckney 2159 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Thos H Campbell 2160 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer J L McClellan 2161 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer T Butler 2162 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer [total]1086.40

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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