Pages That Mention Roger S Green
85 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 17 1886 Be it remembered that on this 17th day of September 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The Following officers are present viz: MayorW H Shoudy and Councilmen J M Frink, J Furth, Jas Green, T D Hinckley, T W Lake & C F Reitze Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Communications Etc Read Petition of the Pacific Postal Telegraph Cable Co for permission to erect a telegaph poles and stretch wires thereon within the city limits. Granted on the condition that the poles be erected under the supervision of the Street Commissioner Petitionof Eben Smith et al for street Lights along Madison Street as far East as James St referred to Street Light Committee Petition of Roger S Green et al for Street Lights along James Street from 5th Street to 10th Street Granted. Petition of A C Anderson for permission for the opening of 13th Street from Madison Street to Union Street Referred to Street Commission with Authority to open said street, if upon examination they deem it proper. Reports Read From Health Officer Dr E L Smith recommending that the cesspool under the buildings at the North East Corner of Commercial and Washington Streets Sep 17 1886