City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Fred Scholpp


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92 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 1 1886 From Committee on Street Lights recommending that the petition of Thomas T Minor et al for Street Lights on Columbia Street from 4th Street to 12th Street be granted. Adopted From Same Committee recommending that the petition of John Cunningham et al for street lights at the Corner of 7th & University and 7th and Seneca Streets be granted. adopted. From Same committee recommending that the petition of W H Hughes et al for Street Lights along Front Street from Pine Street to Vine Street be granted. adopted. Licenses Referred Fred Scholpp, Thomas & Davis, Shaw & Alger, Geo W Walsh, Benj Murphy, Otto Fuhrman, Oscar Johnson Oliver Parent, A F Able & Co, J G Armstrong, Geo Meister, Chas G Steinweg, Thomas Clancy, A Wolters & Co, Harry Thompson, John McCarey, and James W Smith Licenses ordered issued John Christ Retail Malt from Dec 18th to Dec 18th 1886 Joe Francisco Retail Intox from Oct 7 to Jany 7 1887 Jno Collins Retail Intox from Sept 28 to Dec 18th 1886 E J Powers & Co Retail Intox from Sept 18 to Dec 31 1886 John Shepich Retail Malt from Oct 1 to Jany 1 1887 L V Snyder Retail Malt from Oct 1 to Jany 1 1887 Oliver Bernard Retail Intox from Sepy 27 to Jany 1 1887 Andrew Lunn Retail Intox from Oct 1 to Jany 1 1887 McMaster & Taylor Retail Intox from Oct 1 to Jany 1 1887 L Diller Retail Intox from Oct 1 to Jany 1 1887 Frank Wilton Retail Malt from Sept 13 to Dec 13th 1886 M & K Gottstein Wholesale from Sept 17 to Dec 31 1886 Schwabacher Bros & Co from Aug 9 to Dec 31 1886 The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows to wit: In favor of the same C W Coulter, J Furth, J M Frink

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


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101 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 15 1886 reason that the greater portion of the land mentioned in the petition is not platted. Adopted From Same Committee on petition of Nicholas Ruffin for permission to occupy the extension fo University Street for the purpose of building a cabin recommending that it be not granted as the petition now reads, as it is indefinate and asks too much. Adopted From Same Committee asking further time to report on petitions of J D Smith et al for opening Stewart Street and W E Williams et al for crossing on Madison Street granted From Fire and Water Committee recommending certain repairs to Engine House No 4 and the purchase of certain furniture for said engine house. Adopted and purchasing Agent authorized to purchase the necessary articles. from Committee on judiciary on petitionofC W Lawton and W H Davis reporting that upon examination they find that ordinance No 705 covers all that the petitioners can ask. adopted Licenses Referred John T Lester, J H Foster, T P Heman, Morgan and prosser Melhorn & Probst, W Waugh, O P Dahlquist, August Wolff, O N Morse & John Feigh. Licenses Ordered Issued Fred Scholpp Retail Malt Thomas & Davis Retail Intox Shaw & Alger Retail Intox Geo W Walsh Retail Intox Benj Murphy Retail Malt

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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128 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 21 1886 Communication from R H Thomson superintendent of Grant Street Plank Road reporting thatthe bridge had been fully completed in accordance with the contract & making certain suggestion. Read, Approved and ordered filed. Committee Reports Received From Steet Committee on petition of T T Minor et al recommendingthat the petition be granted and the Street Commissioner instructed to open a road from commencing on Jackson Street at the foot of the last hill (known as Pritchard's Hill) and connecting with the water works road. and continuing along the top of the ridge to the City Limits. Report Adopted. Applications for Licenses referred Gumbert & Clinch, A Slorah, Murphy & Price, H Hoggenmaker, Fred Scholpp, J H Foster, Charles Deitz, M J McDonough, Wm Grose, Melhorne & Probst, John Heinrich Jr, Fred Gasch, W F Allen & Co, M McDonald, George Meister E J Powers, Vitus Schmid, James W Smith A F Hill, Chas G Steinweg, Davidson & Grubb, Thomas Clancy, John Brennan, Julius Wright, Charles Ross, Wm Waugh, O N Morse, E C Huntley, Andrew Lunn, L Diller, H M Peters, Ernest Romey, John Collins, O P Dahlquist, M & K Gottstein, J P Tighe, Joe Franciso, Oscar Johnson, Frank P Heman E Champeaux, Martin Lange, Thomas & Davis, Ernst Romey, McMaster & Co, A F Able & Co. The A P Hoteling Co, Geo Delfil, John McCann William Mason, Ole Nelson, August Wolffe Morgan & Prosser, Shaw & Alger, Feigh & Miller, John Feigh, John T Lester, Margaret O'Shea, Jacob Bersch, Oliver Bernard, E C Slorah

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


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132 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 30 1886 William Mason, James W Smith, A F Hill, Charles Ross Charles G Steinweg, Thomas Clancy, Ernst Romey, H.M.Peters, L Diller, Mehlhorn & Probst, Davis & Armstrong, Jno Heinrich Jr. Wilton & Jordison, McMaster & Co, Gumbert & Clinch Fred Scholpp, Jack Connors, G K Beede, Geo W Walsh, M J McDonough, W F Allen & Co, Fred Gasch, M McDonald, Vitus Schmid, E C Huntley John Fiegh, J H Foster, John Brannen, M & K Gottstein, Andrew Lunn, E J Powers, Chas Deitz, Geo Delfil, Wm Grosse, Geo Meister, O N Morse, Wm Waugh, John T Lester, H Haggenmaker, Julius Wegert, John McCary, Julius Wegert, Davidson and Grubb, A Slorah, Shaw & Alger, Morgan & Prosser, Margaret O'Shea, Jacob Bursch, Oliver Bernard, E C Slorah, F L Benjamin, Joe Francisco, The A P Hoteling Co, Ernst Romey, Murphy & Price, Jno Collins, E Champeaux, J P Tighe, O P Dahlquist Oscar Johnson, Frank P Heman and Martin Lange The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows viz: In favor of the same C W Coulter, J Furth, J Green, T D Hinckley, T W Lake & R Russell Against none. Ordinance 796 An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance to amend Sections 5 & 7 of Ordinance No 767 entitled 'An Ordinance governing the traffic in intoxicating liquors within the City of Seattle' Approved July 31st 1886", which is passed by the following vote: In favor of the same C W Coulter J Green, [T D Hinckley]], T W Lake & R Russell. Against the same J Furth ordered that the Council do now adjourn W H Shoudy mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk Ordered that

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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228 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jul 15 1887 mercial Streets thence running north sixty (60) feet, thence commencing one hundred and twenty (120) feet north of the north line of Jackson Street to the south line of Main Street. Third, North side of Washington Street, commencing at the north east corner of Commercial and Washington Streets, thence east one hundred and twenty (120) feet. Recommendation adopted by the Council and the Chief of Police directed to notify property owners to immediately rebuild said sidewalks. Applications for Liquor Licenses Referred Drown & Rice, Henry Robbins & Deitz & Schnietztien Licenses ordered Issued J N Meyer Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Geo Meister Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Chas Norager Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st H Carson Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Wm Garrett Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Fred Scholpp Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Melhorn & Probst Retail Liquor six Months from July 1st Thevote upon issuing said said licenses is as following, viz: In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Russell & Reitze. Against none. Bills Allowed The following claims against the City having been duly audited by the Council and allowed are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as following viz: Names Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2386 City 177.50 Registrar E Edson 2387 City 75.00 Dep Clerk Purchasing Agent 2388 City 2.00 Posting notices etc Jas Bogart 2389 City 46.00 Board of Prisoners I H Page 2390 City 15.00 Board of Registration F A Twitchell 2391 City 15.00 Board of Registration [total]330.50

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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