City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention J.G. Kenyon


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99 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 15 1886 Petition of F.E. Sander et als praying that the Council will cause to be removed the manure deposited in the Alley of Block 20 Maynards Addition by the City Livery Stable and prevent the depositing of any more refuse in said Alley. Granted and the Chief of Police requested to see that said alley is cleared & kept cleared. Petition of Alex Meister et als for the reduction of the membership of the Fire Department. Laid on the Table. Communication from J.G. Kenyon et als calling the attention of the Council to the condition of the crossing on Front Street at the intersection of Madison Street. Referred to Street Committee Petition of James Parke et als for street lights on Mill street. Referred to the Street Light Committee Petition of L. Miller et als for three (3) street lights on Jackson Street bridge at intersection of Jackson Street with South Third South Fourth and South Fifth Sts. Referred to the Committee on Street Lights. Petition of A.W. Pekir and Adam Arth on behalf of the Seattle Turn Vereiu for a sidewalk on the south side of Jefferson Street between Third and Fourth Streets. Granted. Petition of A.W. Piper and Adam Orth for street lights at the corner of Third and Jefferson St. and Fourth & Jefferson Streets. Granted. Communication from the Columbia & Puget Sound R.R.Co. proposing to lease the wharf and its extension of

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom
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