City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention I N Zilk


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102 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 15 1886 Otto Furhmann Retail Malt Oscar Johnson Retail Intox Oliver Parent Retail Intox A F Able & Co Retail Malt J G Armstrong Retail Intox Geo Meister Retail Intox Chas G Steinweg Retail Intox Thomas Clancy Retail Intox A Wolters & Co Retail Intox Harry Thompson Retail Malt John McCary Retail Intox James W Smith Retail Intox Wm Gross Retail Intox Geo Delfil Retail Intox Martin Lange Retail Intox The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows viz: In favor of the same C W Coulter J Furth, J M Frink, Jos Green, T D Hinckley, R Russell & C F Reitze. Against none. The following claims against the City having been duly audited and allowed by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the funds as follows: Name #Warrant Fund Amount Remarks J H McGraw 1936 City 119.10 Sheriffs fees J F Cochrane 1937 City 1.50 Lettering Boards F Anthony 1938 City 3.50 Building Chronicle Lake Union Furniture Co 1939 City 3.50 Two straw beds for Jail W H Pumphrey 1940 City 27.35 Stationary etc Jno B Denny 1941 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 G B Driggs 1942 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 I N Zilk 1943 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 Geo G Lyon 1944 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 J O Harris 1945 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 Eva Harris 1946 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 [W B Drown]] 1947 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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103 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 15 1886 Nellie Parnell 1948 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 Hank Carlton 1949 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 A J Baker 1950 City 2.20 Juror fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 W H Cowie 1951 City 2.20 Juror fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 J W VanBrocklin1952 City 2.20 Juror fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 A Harker 1953 City 2.20 Juror fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 L F Compton 1954 City 2.20 Juror fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 J Curtis 1955 City 2.20 Juror fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 J W Smith 1956 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 Wm Carkeek 1957 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 Lou Graham 1958 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 I N Zilk 1959 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 Nellie Parnell 1960 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 Ed Lindsley 1961 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 I N Zilk 1962 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 J O Harris 1963 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 Jno B Denny 1964 City 2.20 Witness fees Case of City-vs-Bauman #484 Nellie Parnell 1965 City 31.65 Justice fees Stetson & Post Mill Co 1412 Road 58.83 Lumber for sts Gutta Percha & R M Co 937 Fire 20.00 2 Brass Play pipes Gutta Percha & R M Co 938 Fire 4.00 Glass Engine House #2 Gutta Percha & R M Co 939 Fire 1.25 5 Burners for H & L Co No 1 Gutta Percha & R M Co 940 Fire .85 Repairing Enigne #2 McIntyreMcDonaldMasil&Beattie941-42-43-44Fire 6.00Extinguishing Fire Miscellaneous On MOtion the C & P S R R Co is granted permission to move their depot building through the streets of Seattle to the foot of Main Street Ordinances An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An ordinance granting to the Pacific Postal Telegraph Cable Company the right to erect poles and to stretch wires thereon" which after due consideration is passed by the following vote: In faavor of the same Coulter, Furth, Frink, Green Hinckley, Russell & Reitze. Against none

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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