Gold Rush Era Collections

Pages That Mention H A Parker

Gold Rush Letters of Henry A. Parker

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New York Feb 26th 1853

Dear Mother, Brother, & Sister,

I arrived here this afternoon about four O'clock rather used up by my journey but feel pretty smart this evening.

After C. left me at Lyngston I went directly to Boston. Arrived safe, saw Mr. Tucker went round with him for an hour or two and then started for Dedham and arrived at Mr. Fiskes about 5. Oclock [O'clock] P.M. and found them well.

Started from there this morning, came in to Boston and started for N.Y.

Found Mr. W. T. Fisk at Springfield waiting, then left there and arrived here in N.Y. safe and sound. As it is twelve O'clock I must tell short stories.

Has H. G. H. paid you that $8.? How did Chas [Charles] get home with Jenney?

Is there any thing said about me? My Baggage came along nicely I think although I have not examined it. I shall enclose this to Mr. Tucker and you will please write a few lines in return by next mail and I will write you again before I sail which will not probably be before the middle or last of next week. Charles mend the Tinker, Harriett fingers out of the sugar bowl. Did you find my memorandum.

In great-haste Yours affctly [affectionately]

H A Parker [Henry A. Parker]

Last edit over 3 years ago by California State Library
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& that you had a nice dinner & enjoyed it which I have no doubt you did do. Shall expect to hear all the particulars in a few weeks. It is now past nine Oclock [O'clock] & as I shall have a chance to write a few words tomorrow evening I think I will now lay aside what I have already written & retire to bed. So Good Night. H.A.P. [Henry A. Parker]

Monday night 11. Oclock [O'clock]

After a dull rainy day we are now having a pleasant night as it has cleared off cool & clear. Am very well as are all of my California friends & I hope you are also well. Suppose your work for this season is now completed that is your out of door work, & I hope you have got every thing arranged to your satisfaction & as Charles takes so much interest in the work think it must make your share of it much lighter than it would otherwise be. Please give my love to C. & Hattie & tell them I shall not be able to write them by this mail as it closes tomorrow & I have so much to do through the day that I find no time to write. Tell Hattie that the few lines she wrote me by last mail were very acceptable & that I am in hopes to hear from her often. Tell Charles to write me also as often as he can

From you I shall expect a letter by every mail if it is only a short one. The few lines which you enclosed in your letter I destroyed as soon as I read them & I find that your ideas accord with mine with regard to my being connected in business with F.

As it is now nearly midnight, think I will close, by wishing you, a good nights repose.

My love to friends from Your affectionate Son H A Parker [Henry A. Parker]

Last edit over 3 years ago by California State Library
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Sunday Jun 15th

Dear Mother: Ere you recieve [receive] this you will be 53 years of age as your birthday comes the 1st of February which time I hope will find you well & happy

Please accept this small "lump of oro [ore]" as a trifling present from Your affct [affectionate] Son

H A Parker [Henry A. Parker]

I am well today as usual

Last edit over 3 years ago by California State Library
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I was glad you wrote me about Mrs Betsey Tucker and Mr. Samuel Chase, as Sam Tucker [Samuel P. Tucker] being here just now, I was able to tell him what you wrote concerning them. He was glad to hear that his mother continued so smart during the cold weather.

Then you wrote that Henrietta Parker was married about a year ago, which was news to me or else if I ever knew that she was finally married I had forgotten it ere now.

Then again you wrote that Mrs Sewell, heard from Abel P. Lawrence quite often, so I conclude that he is at present away from home although I had never heard of it before, and now you did not write whereabouts he is but merely said he was teaching school and getting $28.00 per month for doing so.

When you answer this, please write me where he is teaching.

Give my love to Charles and Harriet and remember me to Uncle Bradly [Bradley] and family and all others of my friends. Tell them all that I am well, and intend to come home sometime, if I can get there.

Sam, and Chas, do not know for a certainty when they shall start for home, but I guess not at present. Mrs Graves (formerly Miss Chapin) is living at Columbia and Louis C. lives there with them, Augustine (I believe I wrote you) went home about two months ago,)

Your loving son

H A Parker [Henry A. Parker]

[written vertically in left margin] Monday eve, Jany 15th I am as well as usual this evening. Sam. [Samuel P. Tucker] & Charles left here for Columbia this afternoon, all well. - I noticed a few days since, the marriage of Jackson Lewis, of San Jose, Brother to Crosby Lewis. --

Last edit almost 4 years ago by California State Library
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