City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention F L Benjamin




117 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 26 1886 Company to furnish lamp posts at $19.50 each as per contract although no bids were advetised for On motion the report is adopted and the purchasing agent directed to purchase the necessary lamp posts at $19.50 each. From Same committee on petition of L Miller et al recommending that three lights be places on Jackson Street Bridge and on[e] light on Washington Street at the approach to the Ocean Dock. Adopted. From same Committee on petition of D W West et al for street lights on South Eighth St rejecting the petition Adopted. From Committee on Fire & Water recommending that the petition of O N Morse for permission to build a wooden bridge between the Arlington Hotel and the Pacific House be granted. Adopted. From Same Committee on report of Chief of the Fire Dept recommending that telephones be placed in each Engine House as suggested by the Chief. Adopted. Licenses Referred F L Benjamin, Charles Ross, Vitus Schmid, Jacob Bersch, A F Hill, John Heinrich Jr & M McDonald Licenses Ordered Issued Wm Cheader Retail Malt Liquor 3 Months B Kurz Retail Malt Liquor 3 Months Thomas Anderson Retail Malt Liquor 3 Months Conrad Brehm Retail Malt Liquor 3 Months Margaret O'Shea Retail Malt Liquor 3 Months Ernst Romey Retail Malt Liquor 3 Months Seattle Brewery Ernst Romey Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months Eldorada Saloon

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




121 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 3 1886 Report of City Jailor for the month of November referred to the Finance Committee Report of the City Treasurer for month of November is read and referred to the Finance Committee. Committee Reports Received From Committee on License and Revenue recommending that the petition of J W Jones for permission to peddle articles of his own manufacture without a license be granted and recommending that the Hawkers license Ordinance be so amended as to permit persons to sell goods manufactured by themselves within the City Limits without obtaining a license therefore. Report adopted & City Atty directed to draw and submit the necessary ordinance. From Street Light Com. on petition of J W Van Brocklin et al for street lights Corner of 5th & Terrace & Sixth & Terrace Streets recommending that the same be granted. Adopted. From Same Com. on petition ofJones & Hubbell et al for Street Lights in the Railroad Alley from Columbia to Madison Street recommending that the same be granted. Adopted From same Com. rejecting the petition of Jas E Houghton fpr Street Lights onPine & 9th & 10th streets. Report Adopted Licenses Ordered Issued M McDonald Retail Malt Liquor 3 months Jno Heinrich Jr Retail Malt Liquor 3 months A F Hill Retail Intox Liquor 3 months Jacob Bersch Retail Intox Liquor 3 months Charles Ross Retail Intox Liquor 3 months F L Benjamin Retail Intox Liquor 3 months

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




129 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 26 1886 Julius Wigert, F L Benjamin, George W Welsh Jack Connors, G K Beede & Wilton & Jordison. The following claims against the City having been duly allowed & Audited by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as follows viz: Name NoWar't Fund Amount Remarks R H Thomson 2040 City 134.50 Supt work on Grant St P R J Schram 980 Fire 35.00 Connecting Engine House #4 with walk Chestnut & Lisle 981 Fire 25.00 Painting hose cart #2 N S Snyder 982 Fire 25.00 Salary Secy Bd of Delegates Sunset Telephone Co 983 Fire 10.90 Telephone Service Month Dec Alfred W Burrell 1432 GSRR 6375.84 Grant St Plank Road Contract Miscellaneous Communication of the Mayor to the Council making certain recommendation and suggestion read and on motion made the special order for the next regular meeting. The City Surveyor submits plans ans specification for the Seventh Street sidewalk and on motion the same are adopted and approved by the Council. On motion the Street Commissioner is instructed to remove a large stump form Seventh Street On motion of Councilman Furth Grant Street Plank Road is accepted and the Street Commissioner directed to open the same for travel. On motion of Councilman Furth the Mayor is authorized to appoint six special policemen. Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the City Atorney entitled "An Ordinance Authorizing the transfer of $394.00 from

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




132 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 30 1886 William Mason, James W Smith, A F Hill, Charles Ross Charles G Steinweg, Thomas Clancy, Ernst Romey, H.M.Peters, L Diller, Mehlhorn & Probst, Davis & Armstrong, Jno Heinrich Jr. Wilton & Jordison, McMaster & Co, Gumbert & Clinch Fred Scholpp, Jack Connors, G K Beede, Geo W Walsh, M J McDonough, W F Allen & Co, Fred Gasch, M McDonald, Vitus Schmid, E C Huntley John Fiegh, J H Foster, John Brannen, M & K Gottstein, Andrew Lunn, E J Powers, Chas Deitz, Geo Delfil, Wm Grosse, Geo Meister, O N Morse, Wm Waugh, John T Lester, H Haggenmaker, Julius Wegert, John McCary, Julius Wegert, Davidson and Grubb, A Slorah, Shaw & Alger, Morgan & Prosser, Margaret O'Shea, Jacob Bursch, Oliver Bernard, E C Slorah, F L Benjamin, Joe Francisco, The A P Hoteling Co, Ernst Romey, Murphy & Price, Jno Collins, E Champeaux, J P Tighe, O P Dahlquist Oscar Johnson, Frank P Heman and Martin Lange The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows viz: In favor of the same C W Coulter, J Furth, J Green, T D Hinckley, T W Lake & R Russell Against none. Ordinance 796 An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance to amend Sections 5 & 7 of Ordinance No 767 entitled 'An Ordinance governing the traffic in intoxicating liquors within the City of Seattle' Approved July 31st 1886", which is passed by the following vote: In favor of the same C W Coulter J Green, [T D Hinckley]], T W Lake & R Russell. Against the same J Furth ordered that the Council do now adjourn W H Shoudy mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk Ordered that

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




136 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 7 1887 [R N Longstaff]] 2064 City 30.00 Salary Special Police E H Hubbert 2065 City 10.00 Salary Special Police R Curran 2066 City 32.50 Salary Special Police Wm Jones 2067 City 12.50 Salary Special Police W Murphy 2068 City 2.00 2 Lanterns for Police Sunset Telephone Co 2069 City 5.90 Telephone Service Dec Lowman & Hanford 2070 City 20.10 Printing Blanks etc Cedar River Coal Co 2071 City 12.00 3 tons coal Jail etc Thos Anderson 2072 City 8.30 Rebate on License F L Benjamin 2073 City 50.00 Rebate on License Conrad Brehm 2074 City 12.23 Rebate on License Jack Connors 2075 City 34.16 Rebate on License Wm Cheader 2076 City 18.30 Rebate on License Otto Fuhrman 2077 City 4.44 Rebate on License Joe Francisco 2078 City 5.85 Rebate on License Jno Heinrich 2079 City 17.58 Rebate on License Bernard Kurz 2080 City 10.00 Rebate on License R Lowe & Co 2081 City 29.16 Rebate on License M J McDonough 2082 City 35.83 Rebate on License Harry Thompson 2083 City 7.77 Rebate on License Geo W Walsh 2084 City 4.17 Rebate on License Wilton & Jordison 2085 City 12.50 Rebate on License [total]250.29 Young & McKeon 2086 City 50.00 Putting sink in Jail S Harris 2087City 50.00 Putting sink in Jail G A Hill 2088 City 50.00 Putting sink in Jail Albro Gardner 2089 City 50.00 Putting sink in Jail Albro Gardner 2089 City 50.00 Putting sink in Jail Albro Gardner 2089 City 50.00 Putting sink in Jail Road Fund 2090 City 12,000.00 Transferred E C McClellahan 1471 Road 62.00 Labor on Streets Phillip Cochran 1472 Road 58.50 Labor on Streets P Cunningham 1473 Road 55.10 Labor on Streets L V Sprague 1474 Road 22.50 Labor on Streets Adam Haenniha 1475 Road 2.25 Labor on Streets John Sheehan 1476 Road 51.75 Labor on Streets O F Soderberg 1477 Road 52.85 Labor on Streets [total][?]

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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