Gold Rush Era Collections

Pages That Mention East Pepperell Mass

Gold Rush Letters of Henry A. Parker



pound & one half & cost $1,000. It is beautifully engraved & the top opens & displays to view nine different specimens of native gold taken from different parts of the country & all in all it is a splendid ring.

For 3 or 4 days past the weather has been very hot here much hotter than it was ever known to be before but today it is again cool & pleasant. As this is the fifth letter I have written you since I received one from you. I hardly know what to write as I have already written about every thing that I thought would interest you so I believe I will close. Please give my love to all my friends & write me as often as you can & oblige.

Your Son & Brother H. A. Parker [Henry A. Parker]

P.S. Please find out whether Wm Shedd [William Shedd] & the Chapin Boys are out here or not & where they are also write all the news about the town of Pepperell & vicinity & about your farm work schools &c. Remember me to Uncle Bradley & Aunt Betsey & tell them that I will write them soon.

Samuel Tucker [Samuel P. Tucker] sends his best respects to you all & says he will send you a specimen of gold unless he comes & brings it himself, but he has not decided as yet which way to get it to you but says you may expect it at any rate.

To Mrs. Ann Parker East Pepperell Mass

Last edit almost 4 years ago by California State Library


S. P. Tuckers [Samuel P. Tucker] health is not very good as yet, he being troubled more or less with the fever & ague -- haves a chill & fever time every two or three days which winds up with a bad head-ache. He has also been troubled somewhat with a cough for several weeks & I fear he never would enjoy good health if he were to remain here for a long time but I hope it would be otherwise as he rather thinks of staying here through the summer if not longer

I remembered that you were 52 years old the 1st of Feb & I should liked very much to have been at home with you all -- hope you will yet live to see many more birthdays & happy ones too, hope also that the remainder of your life will be free from the care & trouble which has thus far during your life seemed to fall to your lot

The little treat which you made for C. & H. was no doubt very nice particularly the Tomato Figs & I hope that I shall have a chance to eat some of them myself ere long.

I was glad to hear that you had so nice a Pig as I know that you like to have things nice & when you have the management of them yourself that you will have them so. Wish I had a piece of the Pig to fry for supper as I have not eaten a piece of fresh pork since I left home.

I think you have been fortunate in getting your wood up in such good season, although I do not know as you got it done any earlier than you commonly do, as last year when I left home the last of Feb. Campbell had got it nearly all cut up -- hope you will succeed in getting your fencing stuff up in season & the rest of your spring-work done. You & Mr Tucker both wrote me that Henry Leighton was about to leave P. for this country & Mr T. wrote that he had given Leighton a letter of introduction to Mr Wm. Walton [William Walton], but as yet we have none of us seen him. I have now filled my sheet & as I wish to write to Mr. Tucker I will close for today but shall probably write a few lines crosswise before the mail closes I remain Your Truly affectionate Son, H. A. Parker [Henry A. Parker]

Mrs Ann Parker East Pepperell Mass

Last edit over 3 years ago by California State Library


Wednesday Eve, March 30th

I am as well as usual & intended to have returned today to San Francisco but finally concluded to remain here a day or two longer therefore I must deposite [deposit] my letters in San Jose Post Office which closes this evening at 8 Oclock [O'clock] so I shall not have time to write but a few words more by this mail but will endeavor to write you a long letter by next mail.

Give my love to Chas. & Hattie & tell them to be sure & write me soon also tell C. to send me his miniature. Wishing you all health & happiness I remain sincerely Your affct [affectionate] Son H. A. Parker [Henry A. Parker]

To Mrs Ann Parker East Pepperell Mass

Last edit over 3 years ago by California State Library


I think as you do that Chas [Charles] ought to improve his times at School as well as he can for as you say he never will have another such a chance & in a very few years he will see the importance of "knowing a thing or two" even if he remains in the quiet town of P. [Pepperell]

Sunday Eve July 31st

I have delayed finishing my letter until it is now too late to get it into the mail, so I shall send it by the Nicaragua Steamer via San Juan.

I am well as usual & I hope you are all enjoying good health & will continue to do so. I have just seen Henry Shipley -- he is well & Wm. [William Shipley] also ---

No news has transpired since I last wrote you that I think would prove interesting, & for a change think I will send you a little blank paper -- perhaps it will be just as acceptable as though I filled it out. At any rate think I will close as it is getting late. Give my love to Chas [Charles] & Harriet & tell them to write whenever they can conveniently do so

With many wishes for your health happiness & general welfare I remain

Your affect [affectionate] Son, H. A. Parker [Henry A. Parker]

To Mrs Ann Parker East Pepperell Mass

Last edit almost 4 years ago by California State Library
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