City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Bellingham Bay Railway & Navigation Company


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140 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 21 1887 the Council to the condition of the sidewalk on Jefferson Street Referred to Street Committee FromEdwin Ivey et al to have Eighth Street opened from James Street to Columbia Street for the passage of wagons and teams and to cause a shanty in Eighth Street between James & Cherry to be removed. Referred to Street Committee From Hector McKay for correction of assessment and reduction of tax. referred to Finance Com. From Eugene Canfield President of the Bellingham Bay Railway & Navigation Company asking that said Company be granted the right of way across the City Front. referred to Judiciary Committee. from Post Intelligencer Publishing Company asking to be released from the present contract with the City to do the City printing. Granted and the Clerk Authorized to advertise for bids for the City Printing. From David T Denny et al praying that a street be established along thewaterfront from the South line of Columbia Street to the northern limits of the City to be known as Railroad Avenue Granted and tehCity Attorney directed to draw and submit the necessary ordinance at an adjourned meeting to be held Tuesday evening next Jany 25th From H L Yesler et al to open Cedar Street from Eighth St to Ninth St. Referred to St Com. From U R Neitz et al to open & Grade Seventh Street from Pike Street to Mill Street. Referred

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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146 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 27 1887 Be it remembered that on this 27th day of January A D 1887 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. the following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor W H Shoudy and Councilmen J Furth, J M Frink, Joseph Green, T D Hinckley, R Russell & C F Reitze. The following proceedings are had to wit: The City Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "An ordinance Granting to the Seattle Lake Shore and Eastern Railway Company, its sucessors and assigns the right and authority to locate lay down construct and maintain and operate a Railway consisting of one or more tracks in, along, upon and over certain public Streets and alleys of the City of Seattle" which after due consideration is adopted & passed by the following vote viz: In favor of the same J Furth, J M Frink, Jos Green, T D Hinckley, R Russell and C F Reitze. Against none. An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An ordinance granting to the Bellingham Bay Railway & Navigation Company the right and authority to locate lay down construct maintain and operate a railroad consisting of one or more tracks in along upon and over certain public streets and alleys in the City of Seattle" which after due consideration is passed by the following vote viz: In favor of the same J Furth, J M Frink, Jos Green, T D Hinckley, R Russell and C F Reitze. Against none. Ordered that Council Adjourn W H Shoudy, mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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151 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 4 1887 J A McBeath 1521 Road 12.00 Horseshoeing etc. L Neuman 1522 Road .50 Sharpening saw Stetson & Post Mill Co 1523 Road 327.06 Lumber for street W H Shoudy 1524 Road 13.50 Feed W A Perry 992 Fire 75.00 Salary Engn No 1 A M Gilman 993 Fire 75.00 Salary Engn No 2 Gordon Hardware Co 994 Fire 2.00 Tripoli & Brooms for No 1 Sunset Telephone Co 995 Fire 13.50 Telephone Service Fire Dept Lowman & Hanford 996 Fire 5.00 Printing for Fire Delegates Chas McDonald 997 Fire 1.25 Repairing Hose Cart No 1 R H Calligan 998 Fire 1.50 Hauling Fire Plugs Seattle Gas Light Co 168 Gas 34.26 Gas Month of January Seattle Electric Light Co169 Gas 233.20 Street Lamps Month of January Spring Hill Water Co 48 Water 248.00 Water for January Miscellaneous Pursuant to a call for bids for doing the City Printing bids were received from the "Post Intelligencer Publishing Co", and "The Press Publishing Company". On motion the bids were referred to the Finance Committee and the Committee reports that the bids of the Press Publishing Company is the lowest, and on motion the contract for doing the City printing from the date of the contract to the first day of September 1887 is awarded to the Press Publishing Company. Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Bellingham Bay Railway & Navigation Company accepting the provisions of Ordinance No 807. Granting the said Company right of way along the City Front was presented to the City Council & ordered filed. Preamble and resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Lake Shore & Eastern Railway Company accepting theprovisions of Ordinance No 806 granting said Company the right of way along the City Front was presented to the City counci and ordered filed.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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