City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Sundstrom & Littell


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141 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITYOF SEATTLE Jan 21 1887 to street committee from Ames & Russell for permissionto lunload logs o Union Street. Granted From Sundstrom & Littell for a lease of or permission to use the foot of University Street for a Steam Jobbing shop. Referred to Street Committee, to be reported on at the adjourned meeting Committee Reports Rec'd From Street Light Committee stating that they are unable without a test with the proper instruments to satifactorily determine as to whether the contract of the Seattle Electric Light Company with the City being faithfully fulfilled or not. That if requested to do so the Electric Light Co willl increase the lights on Front and Second Streets to 32 candle power lamps. On motion the report is adopted and the Electric Light Company requests to make the change suggested. From Committee License & Revenue on petition of Frank Wilton for the return of certain license money rejected the same. Adopted. Application for License Referred Thomas Anderson & Conrad Brehm Licenses ordered Issued F S Curtis & L L Jewett. The note upon issuing said licenses is a follows viz: Infavor of the same J Furth, J M Frink, Jos Green, T D Hinckley R Russell & C F Reitze against none. License Rejects Mrs Jane Osborn and Mrs John Shepich Bills allowed the following claims against the City having been

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom
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