Pages That Mention Mikado Street
154 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 18 1887 Petition of Robert Fitzhenry et al to open Mikado Street suitable for travel between Ninth St & Twelfth St and to cause certain shanties to be removed form said Mikado Street Referred to Street Committee. Communication from Chief of the Fire Department making cetain suggestion & Recommendation. Referred to Committee onFire & Water. Petition of H H Dearborn & Co et al to extend Grant Street Plank Road. Referred to Street Committee Petition of J C Grosse et al for a Street light on Corner of Front & Pine Sts Granted & said light ordered placed on South side of Pine Street Petition of Deluge Hose Co No 7 for admission to the Fire Department and for suitable apparatus. Referred to Committee on Fire & Water. Petition of John H West et al for a street crossing on South side of Olive Street at its intersection with Ninth St Referred to Street Committee Reports The report of the Custodian of the Powder House for the month of January is read and ordered filed. Committee Reports Received From Street Light Committee granting petition of James McNaught et al for street lights onSpring Street as far east as Eighth Street Adopted. From Street Committee returning without comment the petition of F E Sander et al to extend Front Street on motion of Councilman Furth the petition is tabled. From Committee on Fire & Water recommending the admission
158 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 4 1887 notify all property owners along the line of said sewer to make proper connections therewith within ten days. Petition of Harman Chapin et al for the establishing of the grade of Valley Street. Granted and the City Surveyor instructed to establish the grade of said street. Monthly Reports Rec'd From City Atty read approved and ordered filed. From Chief of Police read approved and ordered filed. From Justice G A Hall read & referred to finance Com. From Street Commissioner referred to Street com. &approved. From City Jailor referred to Finance Committee. From Custodian of the Powder House read & ordered filed. Committee Reports Received From Street committee rejecting petition of Edwin Ivey et al opening Eighth Street between James & Columbia Streets. Adopted From Same Committee recommending that the petition of Robert Fitzhenry for the opening of Mikado Street be laid over for the present. Adopted. From same Committee granting petition of Fred Wilhelm et al for placing the earth removed from James Street sidewalk on Sixth Street between James & Cherry Sts. Adopted. From same Committee rejecting petition of John H West et al for a street crossing Corner Olive & Ninth Streets. Adopted From Committee on Health & Police reporting that the Com. has examined into the charges made against Police Officer Manning by Charles & Louise Otto and find the same unfounded and fully exhonorating said officer from said charges. Adopted.
297 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 16 1887 Petition of Jacob Bursch for permisson to transfer his liquor license from the South side of Mill Street to the East side of Commercial Street. Granted Petition of A H Manning & others for Street Lights on 2nd 3rd 4th & Bell Streets read & referrd to Street Light Com. Petition of G G Richards & others for Street Lights on 8th Street from Pine Street read and referred to the Street Light Committee. Petition of E C Kilbourne & others for Street Lights on Battery Street from Front Street. Granted. Petition of N A James & others for opening Roy & other streets read and referred to Street Committee. Petition of J V Scurry & other for establishing the grade of Mikado Street from the West line of South Eighth Street to the West Line of South Twelfth Street read and referred to the Street Committee. Petition of J R Beau and others for opening 3rd Street from Lake Street to Mary Street etc read and referred to the Committee on Streets. Petition of F H Osgood & others for opening Valley Street from Temperance Street to Kentucky Street. Granted. Petition of Maurice O'Connor for damages in the sum of $500. caused by the extension of Grant Street across Lot 6 Block 4 Judkin's Addition referred to Judiciary Com. Communication from Seattle Lake Shore & Eastern Railroad accepting conditions of Ordinance No 865 read and ordered filed.
304 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 7 1887 From Police Justices H F Jones, and N Soderberg referred tofinance Committee and returned approved. From Chief of Police read and ordered filed. From City Treasurer read and referred to Finance Comittee and returned approved. From City Jailor referred to Finance Com. & returned approved. From the Costodian of the Powder House. for month of August read and ordered filed. From Chief of the Fire Department making certain recommendations and suggestions, read and referred to the Committee on Fire & Water & Chairman of Com on Public Buildings. From Harbor Master reporting collection of wharfage to the amount of $220.00 read and referred to Committee on Harbor and Wharves. Committee Reports received. From the Judiciary Committee rejecting petition of Maurice O'Connor for $500. damages on Lot No 6 Block 4 Judkins Addn on accont of extending Grant Street through the same. Report adopted. From Street Light Com on petition of A H Manning & others recommending that 16 C P lights be placed along Bell Street from Second Street to Fourth Street Adopted. From same Committee granting petitoin of [G G Richards]] & others for street lights on Pine Street from 8th St to 11th Street Adopted. From Street Committee rejecting petition of J G Scurry & others for establishing the grade of Mikado Street adopted.