Pages That Mention C J Chilberg
164 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 8 1887 the Front Street bulkhead be repaired by setting cedar posts and securing the same by iron rods running across the Street at an estimated expense of $724.40. On motion the report is adopted and the Street Commissioner directed to make the necessary repairs in accordance with the plans of teh Committee and the chairman of the Street Committee instructed to purchase the iron rods. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn W H Shoudy mayor attest W R Forrest clerk Mar 18 1887 Be it remembered that on this the 18th day of March 1887 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present to wit: Mayor W H Shoudy & Councilmen Coulter, Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Lake, Russell and Reitze. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Whereupon the following proceedigns were had to wit:- Petitions etc Petitionof W H Hughes asking that certain taxes wrongly assessed to Maggie A Barker be refunded Referred to finance Committee. Petitionof H H Dearborn & Co for the extension of the Grant Street Plank Road. Referred to Street Committee Petition of C J Chilberg et al for a Box Drain on Tenth Street in Block 90 of C C Terry Addn Referred to Street Committee.
164 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 8 1887 the Front Street bulkhead be repaired by setting cedar posts and securing the same by iron rods running across the Street at an estimated expense of $724.40. On motion the report is adopted and the Street Commissioner directed to make the necessary repairs in accordance with the plans of teh Committee and the chairman of the Street Committee instructed to purchase the iron rods. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn W H Shoudy mayor attest W R Forrest clerk Mar 18 1887 Be it remembered that on this the 18th day of March 1887 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present to wit: Mayor W H Shoudy & Councilmen Coulter, Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Lake, Russell and Reitze. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Whereupon the following proceedigns were had to wit:- Petitions etc Petitionof W H Hughes asking that certain taxes wrongly assessed to Maggie A Barker be refunded Referred to finance Committee. Petitionof H H Dearborn & Co for the extension of the Grant Street Plank Road. Referred to Street Committee Petition of C J Chilberg et al for a Box Drain on Tenth Street in Block 90 of C C Terry Addn Referred to Street Committee.
176 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 15 1887 Petition of M McAndrews et al for amending Ordinance No 549 establishing the fire limits so as to exclude from the operation of said ordinance all that portion of the City South of the South line of Mill Street. Referred to Committee on Fire & Water. Petition of James Dougan et al for a temporaru side walk on Seventh Street between the Denny School House & the Central School House. Referred to Street Com. Petition of Wilhelmina Kent st al praying that the City cause to be removed the stumps and logs in Tenth Street between Main & Jackson Streets. Granted Petition of C J Chilberg and others for draining two sink holes near the intersection of Tenth and James Street. Tabled. Petition of Bailey Gatzert et al for opening Summit Street from Cooper Street to Bancroft Street. Referred to Street Committee. Petition of H E Norwald for a sewer in Pike Street. Referred to Sewer Committe. Communication from Engine Co No 4 remonstrating against the proposed change in the Ordinances by which the City Council will elect a Chief of the Fire Department. Referred to Committee on Fire & Water. Communication from Stevens Post G A R inviting the Council to participate in the celebration of Decoration Day. Accepted and Clerk directed to return thanks of the Council. Petition of Thos H Campbell et al for permission to grade and improve Seventh Street from Union Street to Battery
178 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 15 1887 Committee Rpeorts Rec'd From Street Committee granting petition of S Kenney et al for opening Natchez Street & Republican Street. Adopted. From Same Committee on petition of C J Chilberg etal for a box drain inTenth Street directing the Chief of Police to notify the owner of the premises complained of to drain the same. Adopted. From Same Committee granting petition of F H Osgood & others for vacating certain alley and a portioin of Fountain Street in D T Dennys addition. Adopted. From same committee grantign the petition of T T Minor et al for vacating alleys in Blocks 100 & 101 in Terrys 2nd addition. Adopted. From same committee granting petition of Wm Koch et al for opening Lombard and other streets. Adopted. From same Committee rejecting petition of L L Jewett et al for a sidewalk on West Side of Main Street west of Commercial Street. Adopted. From Committee on Sewers and Drainage recommending that a twelve (12) inch stove pipe sewer be constructed in Main Street beginning at a point one hundred and twenty (120) feet fromt he West side of Third Street and running to the Bay, Adopted and on motion the purchasing agent is directed to purchase the necessary sewer pipe. Bills allowed The following claims against the city having been duly audited and allowed are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as follows viz:-