Pages That Mention Bensell
Vol 446 RA Bensell letters YB repairs 1878
Office of Light-House Engineer, 433 Thirteenth district, Portland, Oregon, January 2, 1878 R.A. Bensell Esg Yaquina Light station Newport, Oregon Sir, Your letter reporting repairs necessary of Yaquina station was forwarded by me to the Lighthouse Board, with the suggestion that repairs should be made. I have this day received a reply stating that “the board would prefer to spend no money on the station unless absolutely necessary” As the facts were plainly set forth in your letter and mine, I conclude that they
you can reach the matter and have my propsition filed in the office at Washington doors. The RR will be built in less than two years. This building will be valuable to the ** *** as a Light House on Custom House and may not be proper for you [to] exert any influence in what direction. I do no ask you to do ** deemed advisable of you Prties good Yours Truly R.A. Bensell
Royal Bensell letters 1877 Vol. 439
Office of Light-House Engineer,
Portland, Oregon, Nov.??? 30th, 1874.???
To the Chairman of the L. H. Board Washington D.C.
I have the honor to transmit herewith a communication from R. A. Bensell, Custodian of Yaquina (discontinued) light station reporting the condition of the building and asking for repairs.
I endeavored to sell this station at auction about a year and a half since, but the highest bid was only six hundred dollars and as the Govt. paid $500.00 for the land and expended about $15000.00 on the buildings I withdrew it deeming the The price offered too little.
Box 251 YB YH reprimand stove 1874 to 1875
Yaquina Bay Payment of Custodian
May 13th ???
In reply to yours of April 25th I have to say that the amounts sent you per letter of October 10th, 1875, was to pay R.A. Bensell custodian of Yaquina Light-Station his salary in that capacity, from November 10th, 1874, to September 14th, 1875. That being understood to be the term of his service. As the service was rendered during parts of two different fiscal years, it was necessary to send a portion of the funds, ($384.78) from the appropriation for Salaries of Keepers of Light Houses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1875, and the remainder from the appropriation for Salaries of Keepers of Light Houses