Pages That Mention Newport
Vol 446 RA Bensell letters YB repairs 1878
Office of Light-House Engineer, 433 Thirteenth district, Portland, Oregon, January 2, 1878 R.A. Bensell Esg Yaquina Light station Newport, Oregon Sir, Your letter reporting repairs necessary of Yaquina station was forwarded by me to the Lighthouse Board, with the suggestion that repairs should be made. I have this day received a reply stating that “the board would prefer to spend no money on the station unless absolutely necessary” As the facts were plainly set forth in your letter and mine, I conclude that they
Newport, Oregon Jan 10, 1878 Hon J. H. Mitchell My dear sir, Enclosed please find a letter from the L.H. board, it is in answer to a letter of mine to Col. Ford M. Nelson, in which I stated that the condition of the Yaquina Light station was such as required some repairs. The storms to which this building is exposed penetrate the weather side making it very uncomfortable besides is rotting and damaging the building very much. I now use only three rooms out of eight, the remaining five rooms being during storming weather flooded with water. If in your judgment
United States Senate Chamber, Washington, Feb. 4, 1878 Prof. Joseph Henry, Chairman Lighthouse Board Sir: Herewith enclosed please find a communication from Hon. R.A. Bensell, of Newport, Oregon, calling attention to the Light House Station at Yaquina, Oregon. I thought it proper to communicate this letter to you and ask your attention to the same. Please advise me what
Vol 348 Engineer Reports 13th Dist. 1873 and 1874 CF Exhibted YB Discontinued
Office of the Light House Engineer Thirteenth District Portland, Oregon, August 13, 1873 Sir: I have the honor to make the following Report of Operations for the month of July 1873 Yaquina Lt Station Ogn. Made a survey of 20 acres to be retained permanently for Light House purposes. Cape Foulweather Lt. Station, Ogn Completed Lantern, except soldering roof. Repaired Road from Lt House to Newport, building 2 small bridges with old lumber from the LH Side. Repainted part of the iron of tower.
Probable Operations for August. Lens to be put up and Lamp to be put into operation. Lantern roof to solder. Lantern to be painted inside and outside. Tower and fences to have an additional coat of whitewash. Lightning rods to be made and put up. Cape Flattery LH Station, W.T. Finished planking and caulking tank. Pitched Tank, and boarded is on the outside and top to protect from the sun. Pumped 20 000 gallons into tank, leaving over 8000 gallons is cistern. Put bad-moulding under cornice in Signal house to protect Engine from rain and snow-made another door between engine room and fuel room. Repaired fiction band on Engine.
Royal Bensell letters 1877 Vol. 439
Col Jno ?? M. Wilson
I have the honor of calling your attention to the leaky condition of the Yaquina Bay Light Station. The entire front of the main building and the wooden?? part of the lower where austice ?? has been used leaks very badly making the rooms almost untenable. The rain seems to be driven by the force of wind up into the sustic ??, thence follows the diagonal sheeting down to the window and dowcaesy?? thence inside of the building, the studdey ?? during a storm shows streams of water following down into the cellar which becomes flooded with water. This condition of things is very unpleasant unhealthy and cannot help but be detrimental to the dwelling as decay will soon take place An new finish ?? of rustic ??? for the front of the dwelling If Luren ?? will prevent all this ??? and the expense will not exceed $150.00. Mr. Wheeler Lampest ??? examined the building and can inform you of these things. The roof of the woodshed needs renailing