1871-1900 Yaquina Head Lighthouse Letter books

Pages That Mention J. McCullum

Box 255 CF to YH 1896, YB 1894 1895

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(All communication should be addressed to "THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD.") 4 Inclosures. Treasury Department, Office of the Light-House Board, Washington D.C., Nov. 23, 1894.

Commander O.W. Farenholt, U.S.N., Inspector, 13th Light House District, Portland, Oregon,

Sir: Referring to your letter of the 17th November, 1894, the Board has to say that your recommendations are approved and that you are authorized to pay Mr. J. McCullum of Newport, Oregon, $100.00 for the recovery and delivery on the Government wharf at Newport, Oregon, of the Yaquina Bay whistling buoy which went adrift and lodged among the rocks north of the Cape Foulweather Light Station, and which can not be recovered by the tender. The authority to pay the above amount for the recovery of the buoy is conditional upon its delivery at Newport, Oregon, in fair condition. The bids forwarded with your letter are returned herewith. Respectfully, Geo. F.F. Wilde Commander, U.S.N., Naval Secretary.

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