Pages That Mention James B. Hermann
Box 256 Harry G. Littlefield 1898 unsuitable
Treasury Department Office of the Light-House Board, Washington, D.C. June 25, 1898
B. Two Enclosures
Commander J.C. Morong, U.S.N. Inspector 13th Light-House District, Portland, Oregon.
Enclosed is sent you for delivery, Department letter of 23 June, '98, addressed to Mr. Harry Sherman Littlefield, appointing him Second Assistant Keeper of Yaquina Head, Oreg., light-station, with compensation at the rate of $550 a year, from date of entering on duty, in place of Mr. James B. Hermann, transferred.
There is also returned for the action of the Local Civil Service Board for the Light-House Service, the application of Mr. Littlefield on Form 1025.
Commander, U.S.N., Naval Secretary
1895 Keeper logs
Journal of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather Oregon
January 1: Light East to S. East wind these 24 hours with fair and cool weather during 24 hours - Sea very smooth - General duties for the day - 2nd Asst James B. Hermann putting dressing on his part of garden - the barometer down to 29.90 at 3 P.M.
2: Fresh and strong breeze East first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours Gale S.E. To S. West with hard rain during 24 hours - Sea rough - General duties for the day - The barometer went down to 29.20 today.
3: Gale to fresh breeze South to S. East first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours hard Gale S.E. to South with rain during 24 hours - Sea rough - Keepers cleaning out the cistern today. The barometer down to 29. today - Mr. Herman 2nd asst is very stupid cant seem to learn or remember anything that is told him. 2nd asst James B. Hermann went to Newport after mail to to mail letters. Also after supplies left station at 2300?
4: Gale to fresh and moderate breeze S. to S.W. these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours rain showers - Last part of 24 hours light rain showers - Sea rough - Keeper takeing covers off of coal oil boxes ready to empty - Also fixing pump in kitchen - 2nd asst returned to Station at 1.30 P.M.
5: Fresh to strong breeze S.W. to West these 24 hours with frequent rain snow & hail squalls - Sea rough [continued for preceding page]