Pages That Mention H. M. Robert
1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports
1873 Jan. 3
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert, Corps Engineers.
Sir: The Board has been infromed that on the 30th of September last, cisterns were built by you at New Dungenness Light House (the Keeper being in great need of water as previously reported by you) and that no pipes or other arrangements were made connecting them with the roof surfaces by means of which they were expected to be filled and that two months afterward, that is on the 30th of November last, the connections had not yet been made.
The Board desires that you will at once cause the connections to be ade, and that you will forthwith discharge the foreman of the party who left the work in this condition.
Jan. 3.
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.
Sir: On the 5th of November last, you informed this Office that the lantern for Cape Foulweather had not been received, and the Engineer of the 12th District was directed to make search for it in San Francisco. the Board has heard nothing from you on the subject since, and you will at once report to this Office by letter whether you have or have not received it.
Jan. 4.
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.
Sir: In reply to your letter of the 16th December relating to the fog signal at Cape Flattery, I have to say that after your workmen left the Station
states that there was still no damper in the smoke pipe; that there was required an umbrella and jacket to protect the machines from the weather; and that the smoke-pipe was still to the seaward of the whistle.
It thus appears that one of the most important aids to navigation on the Pacific Coast, was left in an unfinished state when a Notice to Mariners had been published that it would be in operation at a specified time; that the smoke-pipe had not been placed on the land side as the slightest consideration would have suggested; and that by the use of salt water without special provision for it, the signal would have been ruined and stopped in a little while, and in a position so remote that it might have required weeks to repair it, to the great danger of life and property.
The Board desires that you at once discharge from the Light House service the foreman who was in charge of the construction of the signal at Cape Flattery; that you make requisition on the Inspector of the 12th and 13th Light House Districts for the services of the lampist and authorized by the general order of July 6th, 1872; and that you will without delay put the station in thorough order.
Jan. 6.
From Engineer secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Majro H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.
Sir: Your Notice to Mariners of Cape Foulweather Light House, Oregon, dated the 16th December last, is received, and I have to inform you that it contains a serious error in the position of the Light House which if it had not been discovered in this Office
might have led to disaster. In the form of notice you have located the light 3 1/2 miles to the southward and one mile to the eastward of the position shown on the Coast Survey chart, as is shown on the chart here - with sent you. It may be, however, that you have more accurate information than the chart offers, and if so, you will please to telegraph, and the Notice to Mariners will be withheld for correction. ________________________________________________________
Jan. 7. Cape Foulweather - error in notice to mariners.
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers. Sir: Your attention is called to another apparent error in the form of the Notice to Mariners for Cape Foulweather, which has been noticed since the letter to you of yesterday. You have the bearing of Yaquina Light House S. by E. 3/4 E., while according to the charts in this Office it bears from Cape Foulweather Light House E. E. by S. 1/2 S. You will please reply by telegraph in regard to this matter in connection with that of the letter of yesterday. The printing of the Notice to Mariners is waiting for your reply at once on receipt of this communication. ________________________________________________________
Jan. 16 Telegram From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers. Foulweather telegramreceived. Enquiries
1873 abstract of the bids so obtained will be sent to the Board with your recommendation for awards. Before the boiler are accepted they must be tested by the United States Inspector of Boilers for your (U. S.) District, and his certificate as to their strength, Vc., must be obtained before payment is made on the contract. The whistles, machinery Vc, have been ordered to be sent to you by the Engineer of the First District.
Apr. 7 Cape Foulweather Lantern freight From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: Referring to your communication of the fourteenth instant relative to the bill for freight on the sixteen (16) cases and sixteen (16) pieces castings of Foulweather Lantern, you are requested to pay the amount as stated in your letter, viz: four hundred and seventeen dollars and twenty nine cents (417. 29/100) It is presumed no damages can be obtained.
Apr. 7 Cape Foulweather Lantern freight From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: Herewith please find invoice of duplicates of the parts of Cape Foulweather lantern, which were thrown overboard at sea. Major Michler, Engineer of the Twelfth District has been directed to make such dispositions of the packages as you may request; the freight therefor to be paid by you from the appropriation for Cape Foulweather Light House
1873 Apl. 9.
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.
Sir: There is required the sum of $803.58 to pay for duplicate parts of the Cape Foulweather lantern. If that amount can be spared from the appropriation, you will please deposit it at once and forward certificate of deposit to this office.
Apl. 24.
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.
Sir: In reply to your letter of the 9th instant, recommending that beacons be placed on Sand Island, and on "the rock" by the wreck of the ship "Silvie de Grace" at the mouth of the Columbia River, you are informed that no funds can be expended this year for either purpose, but you are requested to present the matter in your annual estimates.
Apl. 26.
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. TO Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.
Sir: Referring to your letter of the seventh instant relative to the location of a Light House and steam fog signal at the mouth of Columbia River, I have to state that the views of yourself and Captain J. H. Spotts, U.S.A. Inspector, on this matter are approved, and that the exact site will not be fixed until you and he can visit the locality in person and select it with a view to its permanency on account of the encroachments of the sea, and the lateral range of the light. The Light House will be of a class called