1871-1900 Yaquina Head Lighthouse Letter books

Pages That Mention H. M. Robert

1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports

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"C" of which plans and specifications will be sent you, and both it and the fog - signal house will be built by contract. Authority will be asked at once from the Honorable the Secretary of the Treasury for your publication of a notice of the form herewith and you will send and abstract of the bids received for approval to the Board, with your recommendation in regard to the award. A lantern will be sent to you on your requisition, and it should include all the lanterns which will be required in your District under existing appropriations. A twelve inch (12") steam for whistle, with everything connected therewith has been ordered to be made by the Engineer of the First District and sent to you. A syren is not considered as desirable at Point Adams, on account of the drifting sand and its liability to get out of order. Application should be made at once to the State authorities (if the land has passed out of the control of the Government) for sufficient land, extending southward from the Military reservation, to cover the proposed site. If the land is yet under the control of the General Land Office, immediate application should be made to the Board by you (telegraph) for its reservation from sale by his Excellency, the President.


Apl. 28. Cape Foulweather Lighthouse

From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert, Corps Engineers.

Sir: You are requested to telegraph to the Board the date at which the Light at Cape Foulweather can be lighted as soon as you can determine the

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward
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"C" of which plans and specifications will be sent you and both it and the fog-signal house will be built by contract. Authority will be asked at once from the Honorable the Secretary of the Treasury for your publication of a notice of the form herewith and you will send an abstract of the bids received for approval to the Board, with your recommendation in regard to the award.

A lantern will be sent to you on your requisition, and it should include all the lanterns which will be required in your District under existing appropriations. A twelve inch (12") steam fog-whistle, with everything connected therewith, has been ordered to be made by the Engineer of the First District and sent to you. A ??? is not considered as desirable at Point Adams, on account of the drifting sand and its liability to get out of order.

Application should be made at once to the State authorities (if the land has passed out of the control of the Government) for sufficient land, extending southward from the Military reservation, to cover the proposed site. If the land is yet under the control of the General Land Office, immediate application should be made to the Board by you (telegraph) for its reservation from sale by his Excellency, the President.


Apl. 28. From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Sir: You are requested to telegraph to the Board the date at which the Light at Cape Foulweather can be lighted as soon as you can determine the

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward
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same after the receipt of the duplicate parts for that Light House.


May 22. From Acting Engineer Secretary Major O. M. Poe. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Sir: The balance of the appropriation for Cape Foulweather light-house reverts to the Treasury on the 30th of June next, and cannot be used except under the provisions of Section 3 of the act approved March 2nd 1867 (See page 37 of the Organization and Duties of the Light House Board 1871)


May 26.

From Acting Engineer Secretary Major O. M. Poe. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Sir: You are authorized to have constructed the water tank and to make the repairs at Tatoosh Island Light Station, referred to in your communication of the fifth instant.

Unless you have sufficient funds on hand to defray the cost of the work it will have to be postponed until after the first of July, 1873 when the next year's appropriations become available.

On the completion of the work a detailed statement of the estimated and actual cost should be made to the Boards on the form prepared for that purpose.


Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward
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1873. July 14.

From Naval Secretary Comdr. J. G. Walker To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Sir: Herewith enclosed please find a copy of a letter from the Honorable the Secretary of the Treasury respecting the basis of currency upon which payments are to be made for services rendered and materials procured withinthe United States for the Government.


July 22.

From Acting Engineer Secretary Major O. M. Poe. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Sir: I herewith enclose for payment a bill for advertising in the "Alta California" Boilers for Fog Signals, approved by the Secretary of the Treasury and amounting to $8.75.


July 25.

From Acting Engineer Secretary Major O. M. Poe. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Exhibit Foulweather light August 20th, and thereafter.


July 25.

From Acting Engineer Secretary Major O. M. Poe To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Sir: Herewith enclosed are transmitted three copies of contract duly approved made with James A. Robb for completion of Cape Foulweather Light-House, Oregon. One copy for file in the Engineer's office, one for the Superintendent of Construction, and one for delivery to the contractor.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward
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