Pages That Mention New York
p-3 letters HM Roberts 1872-1875
March 7 2
In reply to your letter of the 6th instant, I have to request that you will advise the Board when the lens for Cape Foulweather Light House is sent to San Francisco. The lens should be sent to "Major H.M. Robert, care Major R.S. Williamson, San Francisco" ???.
You will please notify the Board in all cases where lenses are sent.
Very respectfully,
George H. Elliot Major of Engineers U.S.A. Engineer Secretary
Lt. Col. I.C. Woodruff Corps of Engineers U.S.A. L.H. Engineers New York City
Box 45 CF missing boxes of lens glass and skylights 1873
Portland, Oregon Feb 5, 1873
Chairman Light House Board Walker
A mistake was made in shipping from New York three boxes of glass instead of lantern details mentioned in my ((illegible) ... ...) sixteen boxes was received but I found when I went (illegible) Foul Weather that there on the list were missing the mistake (illegible) the boxes should be sent immediately.
(sgd) Robert
February 13, (187)3.
Major N. Michler, San Francisco.
Sixteen boxes and sixteen pieces Foulweather lantern, and three boxes of glass shipped by Ocean Queen from New York in March last. Bill of lading sent to Williamson and received by you. Three boxes containing parts of lantern are missing, and must be in San Francisco. Let Winship hunt(?) them up and inform Robert and Board of result. Suspend all payment for freight.
Charge to L. H. Board
February 13 (187)3
The following telegram has been this day sent you:
"Sixteen boxes and sixteen pieces Foulweather lantern and three boxes of glass were shipped by Ocean Queen from New York in March last. Bills la(n)ding sent to Williamson. Three boxes containing parts of lantern missing and must be in San Francisco. Let Winship hunt them up, and inform Robert and Board of result. Suspend all payment for freight."
Very respectuflly. George H. Elliot Major of Engineers, U.S.A. Engineer Secretary
Major N. Michler. Corps of Engineers, U.S.A. L.H. Engineer. San Francisco, California.
1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports
1872. Mar. 5
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.
I have to inform you that the lantern for Cape Foulweather will be shipped to you, Care of Col. Williamson at San Francisco, by the next steamer from New York.
The lantern had better remain at San Francisco till arrangements can be made between you and Col. Williamson to have it shipped direct from San Francisco to Yaquina Bay.
Mar. 18.
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.
Your letter of the 1st instant relative to payment of bills incurred for Yaquina Bay Light House prior to July 1, 1871, is received.
No additional work should be undertaken at Yaquina without the authority of the Board.
Mar. 19.
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. TO Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.
In sending requisitions on general appropriations, you will please send a letter of advice of the kind enclose, and of which it is supposed you have blank forms, giving in all cases the special objects of proposed expenditure.