Pages That Mention W. Bensell
Royal Bensell letters 1877 Vol. 439
Office of Light-House Engineer, Thirteenth district, Portland, Oregon, ??? 187
A railroad is now in process of construction from Corvallis Oregon on the Willamette River to Yaquina bay and it is probable that a harbor light may be required at no??? distant day. If the board desires to keep up the buildings, extensive repairs will be needed, and the estimate of W. Bensell should be at least doubled, that is should be $300.00; the expense of getting lumber from San Francisco to the station will be large compared to other places.
I make no recommendation in this case, not knowing whether
Office of Light-House Engineer, Thirteenth district, 297 Portland, Oregon, , 187 .
the Board desires to spend money upon a discontinued station, but if it is the wish of the Board that the buildings should be kept in repair then the work should be done at once.
I had a good deal of trouble to find anyone who would even live in the house without a salary, but finally W. Bensell, who is a member of the Oregon legislature agreed to do as I have furnished him occasionally a little Paint and window glass.
I am Sir??? very reply. ??? John M. Nilson ???