1871-1900 Yaquina Head Lighthouse Letter books

Pages That Mention Trinidad Head

1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports

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Bien will be paid for the repairs you mention in the same manner as heretofore, and his monthly pay will commence when you have the house and shop ready for him at Fort Point. The Board in authorizing the employment of Mr Bien made it distinctly understood that he was to live and have his shop at Fort Point, and devote his entire time to the Government, and if he is not satisfied with these conditions, he will inform you at once, so that one of the lampists in the service of the Establishment at the Depot at Staten Island may be sent to you. When not otherwise employed, the lampist will be required to make the burners and the tin, copper, and brass utensils for the supply of the Light Stations of your Coast.

Jan. 20. From Engineer Secretary Maj G.H. Elliot. To Col. R.S. Williamson Corps Engineers. Sir: Your letter of the 12th instant transmitting estimates for funds from the appropriations for Yaquina Bay and Trinidad Head Light Houses, is

Last edit almost 8 years ago by gkazebier
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1871 Feb. 8 From Engineer Secretary Maj. G H Elliot To Col R.S. Williamson Corps Engineers Sir: In reply to your letter of the 30th January transmitting drawings of structures proposed for Yaquina Bay and Trinidad Head. I have to say that at Trinidad Head it is thought better to construct the Light House and tower of bricks, if it can be done within the appropriation. I send you a plan from which many of our smaller Light-houses are constructed and which is probably well adapted to Trinidad Head. Col. Gillespie's estimate of the cost of the Light House at Horse Island N.Y. was $10,395. It has cost more than this amount but as the accounts are not all in the exact cost cannot now be determined here. The plan herewith sent is of stone walls, but in tracing it, you are requested to modify it by making the walls a brick and a half thick and coloring the plan yellow. It is supposed that there is no doubt of the permanency of the foundation at Trinidad Head as it is high land. If you cannot build the structures like that represented for Horse Island with in the amount of the appropriation, then the next best plan will be to build a small tower like that at Tchefuncte, La. only of a smaller height to suit your site the diameter at top and of the cylinder remaining the same as shown in the plan

Last edit almost 8 years ago by gkazebier
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1871 sent to you with this. The dwelling for the keepers would then be of wood and like the one shown on your plan, but the tower and house should not be connected, they should be separated so far that in case the dwelling should be burned the tower would not be injured nor the light extinguished. You have then the alternative of building at Trinidad Head: 1st A dwelling and tower combined of brick, like that at Horse Island Lake Ontario or if the appropriation is not sufficient for this, 2nd A wooden house like that represented in the plan sent by you to the Board, and a detached tower of brick like that at Tchefuncte, La. except that in your case the Head being elevated the height seems to be smaller. In regard to the Light House at Yaquina Bay the Board is not informed whether there is any wearing of the beaches around the point or whether the site is high or low. If there is any doubt whatever as to the permanency of the site the house and tower combined and of wood as shown in your plan will be built there but in case the land is hard and fast and you can for see no danger to it from wind (if it is sand) or from encroachments of the sea you will adopt the alternative already mentioned in the case of Trinidad Head.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward
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In regard to the lanterns for these Light Houses, your telegram has just been received, asking that they may be made on this side - they will be put in hand at once and shipped us soon as possible either by Panama or by R Road- the deck plates and railing will be made in San Francisco, after the receipt of the other parts. You are requested to inform the Board as soon as possible, which of the plans herein authorized you will carry into effect, and can go on with the constructive of the one you adopt for Trinidad Head at once and of the one at Yaquina Bay as soon as you are informed by this office that the title is approved by the Honorable the Attorney General. It should be mentioned 1st the tower of the Horse Island plan may be made to suit the locality. At Trinidad Head you will probably make the height as at Stony Point and at Yaquina as shown for Horse Island and Ogdensburg or raise it this height. 2nd the entrance to the tower should be on the side as at Ogdensburg and Horse Island, being better protected than at Stony Point The drawings sent you today are: 1st - 4 drawings of the L.H. tower at Tchefuncteogde, La. 2nd - 2 Drawings of L.H. Dwellings and Towers at Stony Point, Horse Island and Ogdensburg, N.Y. 3rd - 4 prints of the lanterns such as you

Last edit almost 8 years ago by gkazebier
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1871 will receive. The deck plates and railings will be made in San Francisco. Please to copy the drawings and return them to the Board.

At your leisure you are requested to furnish drawings showing the L.H. sites at Yaquina and Trinidad Head, and of the Light Houses constructed there- the positions of the structures should always be determined with reference to the exterior lines of the Government property and located on the plats.

Feb.23 From Engineer Secretary Maj. G. H. Elliot. To Col. R.S. Williamson Corps Engineers Sir: Referring to your letter of the 15th instant, relative to lantern for Trinidad Head Light- station, I have to say that lanterns for the Pacific Co. Light-stations will be made on this coast and sent to you, but requisitions there- for should be made in time for your constructions. These requisitions should not be embodied with the requisitions for lenses.

The lanterns for the 4th,5th and 6th orders are the same, and you can use the one which arrives first, for Yaquina.

(SIDE BAR) Yaquina Bay & Trinidad Head lanterns for rel

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier
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