1871-1900 Yaquina Head Lighthouse Letter books

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1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports




the Board your annual report as soon after the receipt of this as it can be prepared.

It should contain your recommendations and estimates for your expenditure in your district for the year 1871-72 with such statement of the utility of the objects of the special appropriations which you may be pleased to recommend as may suggest themselves to you and it should not arrive here later than the 1st proximo.

Sept. 8 (SIDE BAR) Yaquina Bay, Or. Two Harbor Range lights relating to

From Engineer Secretary Maj. G.S. Elliot To Coll R. S. Williamson Corps Engineers Yaquina Bay Or. Two Harbor Range lights relating to


Congress at its last session made an appropriation as follows. For two harbor range lights to mark the entrance to Yaquina Bay, Oregon. $20,000.00

The maps which we have do not show clearly whether this range shall be on the South or the north Head but from a sketch recently received from the Coast Survey Office, which is herewith sent you, it would appear that the south head is the most probable position. You are requested to visit Yaquina Bay at your early convenience and select the sites for the two lights which should not be nearer together than 300 feet.

The rear light will be the principal light and contain the Keepers' dwelling and the front light will be

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier


(SIDE BAR) Extract from Board Report boundary line 12"&12" dis ts.

1871 Mar. 8 From Engineer Secy Maj. Geo. H. Elliot To Col. R. S. Williamson Corps Engineers The following extract from the proceedings of the Board in session on the 6th instant is sent you for your information. On notion it was ordered that the northern boundary of the 12th Light-House District on the Pacific Coast be extended to the line separating the States of California and Oregon and that the 13th Light House District will extend from the boundary of the 12th Light House District to the Northern limits of the United States. It having been reported to the Board that an additional Engineer officer had been assigned to Light House duty on the Pacific Coast after consultation and discussion it was ordered that the officers of that District will have their offices within the limits of the District.

Mar 9 From Engineer Secy Maj. G.H. Elliot To Col R. S. Williamson Corps Engineers Sir: Your letter of the 1st instant transmitting title papers to land sold to the United States at Yaquina Bay, Oregon is received. Papers transmitted should be enumerated on the letter of advice

(SIDE BAR) Yaquina Bay Oregon title papers

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier


(SIDE BAR) Photographer on Shubrick- aurth'd

1871 Mar 14 From Engineer Secy Maj. G. H. Elliot To Col. R.S. Williamson Corps Engineers Sir: Referring to your letter of the 6th instant I have to say that the employment of a photographer on the terms heretofore state by you to go in the "Shubrick" on her next trip for the supply of the Pacific Coast lights is approved.

Mar 15 From Chrmn. L.H.B Rear Adml. W.B. Shubrick To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers Your letter of the 4th instant addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury reporting for duty in the Light House Establishment has been received at this office and I have to inform you that you are assigned to duty as Light House Engineer of the 13th Light House District which embraces the Pacific Coast of the United State north of the northern boundary of California. Col. R. S. Williamson U.S.A.

Engineers, Light House Engineer for the 12th &13th Districts, will turn over to you the property pertaining to the 13th District, and the directions which he has received from this Board in relation to it.

(SIDE BAR) Detailed for duty as L.H. Engineer 13" Dist.

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier



of a light-house site and have the honor to state that in my opinion the deed of conveyance from Lester P. Baldwin and wife to the United States, executed on the 11th of January last and offered for the acceptance of the government is sufficient to pass a valid title to the premises.

I am sir very respectfully Your obedient servant. (sig) A. T. Akerman. Attorney General.

Hon. Geo. S. Boatwell Secretary of the Treasury.

Mar.23. From Engineer Sec'y Maj. G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.

Sir: Gen. Woodruff has today been requested to send you by the first steamer a 5th order lens, fixed 240° for Yaquina Bay Light House.

(SIDE BAR) Telegram Mar.25 From Engineer Sec'y Major G. H. Elliot. To Col. R. S. Williamson Corps Engineers.

Foulweather appropriation made. Yaquina reverts.

Last edit over 6 years ago by jweinbender



inst. relative to the lantern for Cape Foulweather Light-station, Oregon, I beg to enclose in copy of a letter to Col. Williamson. Engr. 12th L. H. Dist., Enclosing bill of lading, for the lantern in question which was shipped to him for the Engineer of the 13th Dist., per steamer Ocean Queen in April last.

Very respectfully Your obdt. servant (sig.) I. C. Woodruff Engineer 3rd L. H. District.


April 1st, 1872

Col. R. S. Williamson, U.S.A. L. H. Engineer 12th Dist. San Francisco, Cal.


Enclosed please find bill of lading invoice of Sixteen (16) cases containing Lantern for Cape Foulweather Lh-sta., also sixteen (16) pieces casting part of lantern shipped to you for Major H. M. Roberts, L. H. Engineer 13th Dist., March 30th, per steamer "Ocean Queen". When received please send one receipt for this shipment.

Very Respectfully (signed) A. Mac Cafferty By order Genl. I. C. Woodruff Engr. 3rd Dist.

Last edit over 6 years ago by jweinbender
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