1871-1900 Yaquina Head Lighthouse Letter books

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Pages That Mention Cape Flattery

Vol 631 Tramway Winch LH Reports 1884 and 1885



that for Shoalwater Bay. Coast about $350.00.

The five 1st Order light stations in this district will have to be provided with oil-houses before the mineral oil lamps are put in as none of these stations have suitable storage room. The houses should all be of brick and of same size (16’4” x 11’10”) as in plan sent by the board. The stations and estimated cost of oil-house for each are as follows: Tillamook Rock $1818.83 Cape Orford (Blanco) 1818.83 Cape Flattery 1818.83 Cape Foulweather 1563.83 Cape Disappointment 1606.83

Detailed estimates are enclosed for the two sizes of brick houses, with changes for the different stations noted on them. The stations are arranged in the order of

Last edit almost 8 years ago by yaquinalights

Vol 601Topographical survey and lens description 1883



Office of Light-House Engineer, THIRTEENTH DISTRICT Portland, Oregon, August 12th, 1883

To the Chairman Of the Light-House Board, Washington, D.C.

Sir: In compliance with the Board’s letter of June 15th, 1883, requesting certain information concerning the apparatus of first order lights in this district, I have the honor to forward herewith the desired information for Cape Foulweather, Tillamook Rock, Cape Disappointment and Cape Flattery Light Stations. The only other first order light in this district is at the Cape Blanco station, the information for which will be forwarded as soon as it is received from the stations.

Very respectfully,

Last edit almost 8 years ago by yaquinalights


Cape Flattery Light Station, W.J. 1. Lens made by Louis Soulter & Co. Paris, 1854. First order catadioptric Fresnal lens. Fixed white. Range, S.E. by S ¾ S. by S’d, Wd. & N’d to E.N.E. 8 panels in lens apparatus. 12 prisms above dioptric drum 6 “ below “ “ 2. Funk’s hydraulic float lamp, 4 wick. Height from base to top of burner, 34.80 inches. 3. Distance between centers of the three pillars on which lamp rests (15.54, 15.54, 15.24) inches. 4. Height from focal plane of lens to top of ring at upper part of lens, 62.90 inches. 5. Diameter of this ring; inside, 23.51 inches, outside, 27.64 inches.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by yaquinalights

Vol 348 Engineer Reports 13th Dist. 1873 and 1874 CF Exhibted YB Discontinued



Office of the Light House Engineer Thirteenth District Portland, Oregon July 26, 1873 Sir: I have the honor to make the following Report of Operations for the Month of June, 1873. Yaqunia Bay LH Ogn. Examined land with reference to 20 acres being sufficient for LH purposes. Cape Foulweather Lt Station Ogn. Shipped missing parts of Lantern from San Francisco. Sodded yard where wind was tearing away soil. Made arrangements for re-whitewashing tower. Probable Operations in July. Rewhitewashed Tower. Begin the erection of the Lantern. Point Adams Lt Station, Ogn. In company with Capt. Spotts LH Inspector, selected LH Site. Carefully examined different roads from Steamer landing as Fort Stevens, to proposed LH Site, and made rough plan & estimate for Road over the best route. Advertised for Proposals for Fog Signal Boilers for this station and New Dungeness LH Station, W.T. Cape Flattery Lt. Ho. W.T. Took men and materials to this station and area by completed carpenter work on Tank for Water. Commenced caulking tank. Probable Operations for July. Complete Tank and fill with water from cistern. Repair fog signal and put into operation. Stay rotten joists in Lt. House Very respectfully, Henry M Roberts Chairman Light-H0use Board. Maj. Of Eng’rs & L.H. Eng’r Washingotn DC Thirteenth District

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward


Office of the Light House Engineer Thirteenth District Portland, Oregon, August 13, 1873 Sir: I have the honor to make the following Report of Operations for the month of July 1873 Yaquina Lt Station Ogn. Made a survey of 20 acres to be retained permanently for Light House purposes. Cape Foulweather Lt. Station, Ogn Completed Lantern, except soldering roof. Repaired Road from Lt House to Newport, building 2 small bridges with old lumber from the LH Side. Repainted part of the iron of tower.

Probable Operations for August. Lens to be put up and Lamp to be put into operation. Lantern roof to solder. Lantern to be painted inside and outside. Tower and fences to have an additional coat of whitewash. Lightning rods to be made and put up. Cape Flattery LH Station, W.T. Finished planking and caulking tank. Pitched Tank, and boarded is on the outside and top to protect from the sun. Pumped 20 000 gallons into tank, leaving over 8000 gallons is cistern. Put bad-moulding under cornice in Signal house to protect Engine from rain and snow-made another door between engine room and fuel room. Repaired fiction band on Engine.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward
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