Pages That Mention Henry M Robert
Vol 348 Engineer Reports 13th Dist. 1873 and 1874 CF Exhibted YB Discontinued
Supported decayed joists on south side of 1” of 2” floors of Keeper’s dwelling with girders and posts. Replaced outside cellar doors. Commenced running Fog Signal during foggy weather- Inspected Station and made estimates for thorough renovation repairs. Ediz Hook Lt Station, W.T. Inspected Station & made rough plans & estimate for Repairs. New Dungenness Lt Station, W.T. Inspected Station, and made plans & estimates for work of c-reading Steam Fog Signal Smith Island Lt Station, W.T. Indspected & made estimates for repairs Admirarlty Head LH Station, W.T. Inspected and made estimaties for thorough repairs, and rough plans. Very respectfully, Chairman Light-House Board, Henry M Robert Washington DC Maj of Eng’rs & LH Eng’r Thirteenth District
Office of the Light House Engineer Thirteenth District Portland, Oregon, Sept 9, 1873
SIR: I have the honor to make the following Report of Operations for the month of August 1873. Cape Foulweather Lt Station, Ogn Completed work on Lt-House & lantern, instructed keepers to exhibited the light for the first time on the night of August 20”. New Dungenness Lt Station, W.T. Completed detail plans and estimates of fog signal house. Purchased materials and sent men in charge of Supt of repairs, to erect fog whistle. Make contract for boiler for Fog Signal. Probable Operations for September Commence building house and cistern. Complete transportation and hauling of material. Admiralty Head Lt Station, W.T. Probable operations for September. Commence painting dwelling. Columbia River LH Station, Ogn Begin building Road in September, if plan forwarded is approved by Light House Board. Point no Point LH Station, W.T. Begin in September building road and clearing land of heavy timber, if Report of April 30th is approved by the Light-house Board. Very Respectfully, Chairman Light-House Board, Henry M Robert Washington DC Maj of Eng’rs & L.H. Eng’r
Copy of the Warranty Deed for the purchase from Lester P. Baldwin and Sophronia S. Baldwin of the land upon which the light house is built at Yaquina Point accompanied by a plat of the ground bearing date the twenty second day of April in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventy one. The original of this Deed was forwarded to the Board by my predecessor, Major Henry M Robert, enclosed in letter of May 4th, 1871. The second is a copy of a “Map of plat of Cape Foulweather Light House Reservation” duty certified to by WH Odell, Surveyor General of Oregon to have been examined and approved by him, at Eugene City, April 20th, 1872. In reply to the communication from the Board, dated November 13, 1873, assisting information relative to sites of the character referred to in the opinion of the Honorable the Attorney General under date of the 4th of the same month reference being had to submarine sites, or those located on
YH LH location and building Vol. 311
lots 3 and 4 on any part of them would be of (no) value whatever for a reservation.
As your letter on this subject gives (a) wrong description of the land purchased for this reservation, I have on the enclosed sketch laid a black tint on the reservation, and a red tint on the ground over which the gov't has the perpetual right of way, right to take water, sand and clay and right to launch ??? It includes all the land owned by Mr Baldwin in that tract.
Very respectfully Your obedient servant Henry M Robert Maj. of Eng'rs & L. H. Eng'r, Thirteenth District.