1871-1900 Yaquina Head Lighthouse Letter books

Pages That Mention Duncan Rock

Box 252 List of supplies 1885, YB, YH Emery Pay 1887

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Feby 10 Cement for placing new pump-pipe Ediz Hook to be paid from Appr. for Repairs Feby 23 Chart No. 646 - forwarded Mch. 8 Cape Meares or Cape Lookout Proposed Lt. station_Bds. decision Mch. 16 Chart No. 648 - forwarded Mch. 19 Coal open purchase - not authd., tel., Mch. 19 Coal (500 tons) open purchase not authd. Mch. 22 Chart No. 681a _ forwarded Mch. 26 Coquille River Lt. House unnecessary - April 6 Cape Arago, Reservation - selling portion - views asked April 9 Cape Meares Joint Report- position of proposed light requested April 12 Chart No. 681a _ forwarded April 15 Chimneys & wick - 1st Order Min. oil lamp, 3rd Insp, shipment May 29 Chain. shackles, &c, should be purchased after advertising May 23 Cape Flattery Ill. Apparatus - red cut - to mark Duncan Rock May 24 Chart No. 673 _ forwarded May 31 Cape Arago Cape Blanco Cape Foulweather and 13 other light-stations Supplies &c. authd.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward
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