Pages That Mention G.L. Gillespie
p-1 1881 YH Descriptive Pamphlet
1 NAME AND POSITION OF THE LIGHT-HOUSE AND LIGHT-STATION. Cape Foulweather, on the westerly end of Cape Foulweather (Yaquina Head) Oregon
By whom described. G.L. Gillespie Major of Engineers Light-House Engineer 13th District
Date of description, July 1881
Distinguishing Character of light or lights. Fixed White Latitude of tower. 44.43. (30) Authority Light-House Longitude of tower, 124.05. (00) List of 1881
Area of the entire site. 30 acres 17.86
Character of surface soil. Dark Clayey loam
Distance of tower from nearest high-water mark. Two hundred and fifty feet.
Enclosure to premises. The entire site is enclosed by a fence running across the point of the cape from the South to the North shore. The keepers dwelling is enclosed by a neat picket fence.
Wharf or Landing on premises. No wharf or landing on premises. A landing can be made with a boat, on the beach in smooth weather, but is usually dangerous.
Road to landing or wharf, character of, and distance from tower. One fourth of a mile. No road, trail leads down the steep bluff to the beach.
Means by which the light-station may be reached. By railroad to “Corvallis”, eighty miles, thence by stage to Newport sixty (60) miles to the Light House.