1871-1900 Yaquina Head Lighthouse Letter books

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Vol 575 1882 and 1883 repairs



and located positions of the buildings. Plans, estimate &c have been forwarded to the Board. Stakes Lights on Columbia & Willamette Rivers A requisition for lens lanterns for three lights, has been forwarded to the Board. A supply of paints, oils, point brushes &c, for one year, has been sent to the Buoy Depot, for the Light Stations of this district. A supply of stationary for use in this office, has been received. At stations not mentioned above, no changes are reported to have occurred during the month. This report has been delayed, by my absence from stations on duty. Very respectfully Your obedient Servant Chas F. Lowell Captain of Engineers L.H. Engr. 13th Dist.

Last edit over 7 years ago by yaquinalights

1871-1872 keeper selection and LH building Vol. 336



Office of the Light House Engineer,


PORTLAND, OREGON, July 22, 1872

Chairman Light House Board,

Washington, D.C.

SIR: In reply to letter from your office of 12 July, I have to state that the lens and lantern for Cape Foulweather Light House arrived in San Francisco on the 19 May.

Very respectfully, Your obedient servant Henry M. Robert Maj. Of Eng’rs & L.H. Eng’r Thirteenth District.

Last edit about 7 years ago by lkarnatz


Office of the Light House Engineer,



Chairman Light House Board,

Washington, D.C.

SIR: In reply to letter from your office dated Sept 3, 1872, asking information relating to Cape Foulweather Lt Station, Ogn, I have to state that the Keeper’s Dwelling has been completed; the Oil House walls have been completed; the Tower Walls (Sept 30”) are built 22 feet above the lower floor; all materials (including Lantern, Lens, & c) are on hand or now discharging, except 23 lbs??? Bricks & 25 Bbls Lime, already ordered from San Francisco; a full force of Mechanics, Machinist, & Laborers are employed; and with average weather & no further delay from inability to secure Steam transportation (sailing vessel carrying materials to Foulweather again partially wrecked) the light can be exhibited on or before January 1st 1873.

Very respectfully, Your obedient servant Henry M. Robert Maj. Of Eng’rs & L.H. Eng’r Thirteenth District.

Last edit about 7 years ago by lkarnatz


173 1/2

Notice to Mariners (no. )

United States of America {carat: "Northwest Coast. "} Oregon. Light-House at Cape Foulweather (Yaquina Point Head).

Notice is hereby given that a Light-House has been erected Cape Foulweather. (Yaquina Point Head) Oregon, and the lights will be erected on or about the night of the 1st of March 1st of February 1873, and every night after from sunset to sunrise.

The focal plane is 81 feet above the ground, and 150 feet above sea level. The lights can be seen in clear weather from the deck of a vessel, 15 feet above the sea, at a distance of eighteen {carat: "and a half"} nautical miles. The lens {carat: "is dioptic, of the"} a 1st order Fresnel, illuminating of the horizon 240 degrees {carat: "and"} will show a fixed white light.

The tower {carat: "is"} of brick, is painted white, and the lantern {carat: "is painted"} black.

The Keepers' Dwelling, a two-story frame building, east of the tower is painted white.

{circled:A} Latitude 44 {degree symbol} 40` North. Longitude 124 {degree symbol} 04` West.

Last edit about 7 years ago by SiobhanLeachman

1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports



1872 may be stated as "on or about". The form in regard to Cape Flattery will be forwarded at once giving the characteristic times of sound and interval.

July 12 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: Please inform this office whether the lens and lantern have been received for Cape Foulweather Light House.

July 23 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: Your letter of the 8th instant transmitting estimates for July 1872 is received. With a view of saving the General Appropriation for Repairs which always runs short at the end of the fiscal year, you will habitually (unless otherwise directed or unless there is some especial reason to the contrary, of which you will inform the Board) pay your office and other incidental expenses, from your Special Appropriations.

July 24 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: A Coast Survey chart of Columbia River No.1 has been this day sent you for

On Side: Cape Foulweather L.H. lens lantern, &c-rel-receipt of Office & incidental expenses to be paid from Special Appropriations Chart of Columbia River Sgub.

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier
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