Pages That Mention floor lights
1871-1872 keeper selection and LH building Vol. 336
Office of the Light House Engineer Thirteenth District
Portland, Oregon, Jan 15, 1873
Prof Joseph Henry: Chairman Light House Board Washington, D. C.
Sir: The following telegram has been this day sent you: Sixteen lantern deck-plates, and sixteen cases Lantern Apparatus received at Foulweather. Following at missing: eight lantern posts, sixteen floor lights, sixteen rafters, and sixteen tie-rods. Gene Michler telegraphs "not in San Francisco."
Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Henry M. Robert Maj. of Eng'rs & L. H. Eng'r, Thirteenth District
Office of the Light House Engineer Thirteenth District Portland, Oregon Feb 27 1873
Chairman Light House Board, Washington, D.C.
I have the honor to make the following Report of Operations for the month of January 1873. Cape Foulweather Lt. Station, Ogn. Received & hauled from Newport the lantern except missing boxes. Completed lantern floor (except floor lights) and iron work in vestibule & watch room. Continued grading & cleaning of grounds.
Probable Operations in February. Completed brick work under lantern floor. Cement wash watch room. Complete taking down of scaffolding. Build fence around tower.
Cape Hancock Lt Station, W.T. Completed Oil House except painting & plumbing.
Probable Operations in February. Paint as weather will permit.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Maj. of Eng'rs & L.H. Eng'r, Thirteenth District