Pages That Mention eave-troughs (galvanized iron)
1871-1872 keeper selection and LH building Vol. 336
Thoroughly completed zinc parapet covering. Examined Keeper & Assistant in company with Capt. Spotts.
New Dungeness Lt. Station, W.S. Purchased and shipped materials for completion of repairs. Put floor in Boat House & battens on sides. Finished door, & furnished paddock for same. Connected work-house with cistern by covered pipe. Put coat paint on Boat House & 2 coats on inside of Store Room. Inspected work of Repairs, & examined Keeper & Assistant with Capt. Spotts.
Probable Operations for April Put eave-troughs (galvanized iron) in place of defective ones on Store Room. Refit pump in Cistern. Put 2" coat paint on Boat-House; 1 coat paint on inside & outside of store-room. Put stakes to fence. Build 60 ft of new ways for Boat. Repair Boat Carriage. Connect Storeroom with Cisterns. Paint Roofs of Storeroom & Boat House.
Examined Keepers & Assistants at Admiralty Head & Smiths Island Lt. Houses, with Capt. Spotts.
Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Henry M. Roberts Maj. of Eng'rs & L.H. Eng'r, Thirteenth District.