1871-1900 Yaquina Head Lighthouse Letter books

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Pages That Mention Engineer Secretary

Box 254 YB 1890, YH 1893, Isaac L. Smith & Edward Rice 1891



(All communication should be addressed to "THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD") Treasury Department Office of the Light-House Board, M.M.B. Washington, 9 Oct. '93 Inclosures..... One Subject: Yaquina Bay, Oreg. Additional Lights.

Commander O.W. Farenholt, U.S.N., Inspector 13th L. H. Districts, Portland, Oreg.


Enclosed is sent you a copy of a letter from Hon. Binger Hermann, M.C., dated 3 Oct. '93, relating to the necessity for stake lights at the entrance to, and on Yaquina Bay, Oreg.

The Board requests you to confer with the Engineer of the District, and with him make a joint report and recommendation as to the necessity for the lights in question. The Engineer has been requested to make an estimate of the cost of these lights, if any are recommended, which should be embodied in the joint report.

Respectfully, signature ??? Captain of Engineers, U.S.A, Engineer Secretary.

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier


5 March, 1890

Lieut. Comdr. W. W. Rhoades, U.S.N., Inspector 13th L.H. District, Portland, Oreg.


Referring to your letter of 2 Jan'y '90, relating to Senate bill No. 459, making an appropriation for the purchase of a site and the construction of a light-house on the headlands near Newport in Yaquina Bay, Oregon, you are informed that the Board considered the matter at its session of 3 March, and finds itself unable to recommend the passage of the bill in question.


James F. Gregory

Major of Engineers, U.S.A. ,

Engineer Secretary.

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier

1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports




1 Tracing and 1 Drawing of Beacons in Newark Bay (West Oyster Bay & Mill Reef). 2 Tracings each of Bullocks, Point and Connimicut Point. Providence River, RI 2 Tracings of Beacons (one iron and one wooden) Billingsgate Shoal, Mass. 1 Facing South West Reef and Moose Rock, Maine. 1 Gilchrist's, Rock, Half Tide Ledge, Snow's, Rock and ship and Barges- Coast of Maine tracings and drawings. You need no return lithographs.

Nov. 19. From Engineer Secretary Major Elliot. To Col. R.S. Williamson, Corps Engineers. Sir: Your letter of the 9th instant relating to purchase of site for Light House purchase at Yaquina Bay Oregon, has been received with the accompanying papers. The purchase, subject to the following modifications in boundary and to the approval of the Attorney General is approved by the Board and you are requested to prepare the papers for his action as required by the Circular. Attorney General on Titles. A copy of which you have. A copy will be enclosed here, with for use of the District Attorney for Oregon. You are requested to prepare a plat of the track proposed to be purchased, and which will show the lots.

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier


the construction should commence. The design of placing a structure like that at Ediz Hook is approved. You are desired to forward to the Board a requisition for the lens for Yaquina light which will be of the 5th order. You state that less than 270° arc of visibility is required. Please to state how much less and what kind of light it should be. This will involve a study of the kind of light to be used at Cape Foulweather. At some time convenient to you please to have made and forwarded a set of drawings showing the structures to be placed at Yaquina.

Dec. 28 From Engineer Secretary Maj G. H. Elliot. to Col. R.S. Williamson Corps Engineers. Sir: In reply to your letter of the 19th instant, I have to say that the deed of land proposed to be purchased at Yaquina Bay, when submitted to the District Attorney should be accompanied by an abstract of title on which his opinion can be based, or else he should be requested to procure the same at the expense of the United States. If there is no conveyance at Yaquina, it is supposed the County

(aside note) Yaquina Bay abstract of title to land requested

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier


1870 Clerk will be competent to make out and certify to this abstract.

1871 Jan. 4.


From Engineer Secretary Elliot. To Col. R.S. Williamson Corps of Engineers. Sir: Herewith there is sent to you a bound volume for each of your offices, containing Plans and Specifications of Light Houses at Cape Hatteras, North Carolina and St Simons Georgia.

Jan. 11. From Chrmn. L.H.B. Rear Adml. W.B. Shubrick. To Col. R.S. Williamson Corps Engineers. Sir: Herewith is sent to you a copy of an authorization of the Honorable the Secretary of War for the erection of a house and shop for the Lampist of the Pacific Coast, on the Presidio Military Reservation. The Board requires that the Lampist shall live on the Reservation, and it is desirable that he shall be as near the public wharf at Fort Point as the Military authorities will allow. You are requested to forward

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier
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