Pages That Mention five hundred dollars in gold coins
1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports
1870 through which a right of way is granted, to accompany the deed. Before concluding the purchase, you are requested to offer to Mr.Baldwin five hundred dollars in gold coins for the tract bounded as you have described except that the easterly line shall be a part of Mr. Baldwin's easterly line; that is the northerly line shall run from the Pacific Ocean to Mr.Baldwin's easterly line; and if the offer is not accepted you will conclude the purchase on the terms mentioned in the deed. The deed should be properly executed by Mr.Baldwin but not recorded till the money is paid, which will be authorized as soon as the title is approved by the Attorney General. In the meantime Mr.Baldwin will hold your receipt for the deed which is to be returned to him in case of disapproval of the Attorney General in regard to title. The reservation of Lots 3 and 4 Section 8. Township II South. Range N. containing 39 60/100 and 14 69/100 acres respectively, has been requested of the President. The papers are herewith returned.