Pages That Mention Mr Bien
1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports
Bien will be paid for the repairs you mention in the same manner as heretofore, and his monthly pay will commence when you have the house and shop ready for him at Fort Point. The Board in authorizing the employment of Mr Bien made it distinctly understood that he was to live and have his shop at Fort Point, and devote his entire time to the Government, and if he is not satisfied with these conditions, he will inform you at once, so that one of the lampists in the service of the Establishment at the Depot at Staten Island may be sent to you. When not otherwise employed, the lampist will be required to make the burners and the tin, copper, and brass utensils for the supply of the Light Stations of your Coast.
Jan. 20. From Engineer Secretary Maj G.H. Elliot. To Col. R.S. Williamson Corps Engineers. Sir: Your letter of the 12th instant transmitting estimates for funds from the appropriations for Yaquina Bay and Trinidad Head Light Houses, is