1871-1900 Yaquina Head Lighthouse Letter books

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Pages That Mention Major G. H. Elliot

1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports



1871. Aug. 30 (SIDE BAR) Yaquina rel payment of bills for survey of

From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.


The bill for survey of Yaquina reservation reffered to by your letter of the 18th instant can be paid if you con state on the face of the voucher, "ordered prior to July 1st, 1870"

Mileage cannot be paid to a civilian employe. In such cases actual necessary expenses, certified to by the employe are allowed.

Aug. 31.

From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.


Referring to your letter of the 19th instant, I have to inform you that Mr. J. A. Sesowrd has been entered on our books as Superintendent of Construction instead of draughtsman, and you may so rate him in your future returns.

Sept. 2 (SIDE BAR) Cape Foulweather L.H. - rel. completion

From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers


I have to inform you that J. T. Ames of Chicopee, Massachusetts, has a contract for making a first order lantern for the Cape Foulweather Light House and has agreed to have it finished ready to be sent to you, Care of Col. Williamson, San Francisco, by the 1st of January 1872.

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier



(con)taining the 1st order lens, F. 240°, Cape Blanco 935,971: with lamps supplies, &c for Cape Foulweather Light House.

Apr. 18. From Engineer secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.

Sir: In reply to your letter of the 2nd instant, I have to inform you that monthly reports of operations should be forwarded to the Board as soon after the close of the month as possible, so as to embody the month's actual operations.

Apr. 22. From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Sir: The U.S. Treasurer informs this office that your deposits with the Sub Treasury at San Francisco and with the 1st Nat'l Bank, Portland, Oregon, are not divided into Light House funds and Engineer funds.

It is important that this division be made at the bank and you will please attend to it that it be done as soon as practicable, and hereafter you will keep the accounts at the bank separate.

May 18 From Naval secretary C. S. Boggs. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.

Sir: Referring to your letter of the 2nd

(On the side bar) Cape Flattery L.H.

Referring to your letter of the 2nd

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier



Nov. 8. From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Sir: Referring to your telegram of the 5th instant, I have to inform you that Major Michler, the Light House Engineer at San Francisco, has been directed to look for the Cape Foulweather lantern and report to you.

Nov. 9. From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Cape Disappointment Oil House approved Ediz Hook not approved.

Dec. 30. From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Fix a date by telegraph on which Foulweather can certainly be lighted.


Jan. 2. From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.

Sir: I have to acknowledge your telegram of Dec. 21, ultimo, relating to the lighting of Foulweather Light, and to say that the notice to mariners will be made accordingly.

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier
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