Pages That Mention Naval Secretary Rear Adml. T. A. Jenkins
1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports
(SIDE BAR) Circular detailed estimates, plans etc. 1871 Apr. 11 From Naval Sec'y Rear Adml T. A. Jenkins for Chu. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.
Sir: The practice does not seem to be uniform among the Engineers in regard to sending detailed estimates with the plans submitted by them.
You are requested in every case of sending the plans for approval to send the estimated cost with it on the form established by the Board, and of which fifty copies are sent herewith.
When each work is completed another paper should be sent showing the estimated and actual cost.
(SIDE BAR) Yaquina L.H. construction of- rel Apr. 18. From Naval Secretary Rear Adml. T. A. Jenkins. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.
Sir: Your letter of the 10th instant is received, and you are authorized to return to San Francisco, as requested to make preparations for the construction of Yaquina Light House.
(SIDE BAR) Telegram May 9. From Engineer Sec'y Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.
What newspapers and how many times.