Pages That Mention contractor for Light Keeper's dwelling
1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports
1873 All errors or omissions in the last list should be corrected. The light House Lists corrected as herein required, should be mailed to arrive at this office on or before the 1st of December next.
Sept. 3 From engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: The Board desires that you will at once report in full the present condition of the Light House at Cape Foulweather and the appropriate time it will be lighted.
Sept. 8 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: The extension of time, sixty day, recommended by your letter of the 21st August, to be granted to Charles F. Brown contractor for Light Keeper's dwelling at Cape Foulweather, Oregon is approved.
Sept. 17 From Naval Secretary Rear Adml. C.S. Boggs To Major H M Robert Corps Engineers Immediate repairs at Dungeness authorized
On Side Cape Foulweather L.H. condition Cape Foulweather L.H. keepers dwelling - extension of time on contract Telegram